
Free Entrelacen by Dani Morales

Book: Entrelacen by Dani Morales Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Morales
nothing. He must have had with him.
That’s what was causing the change in
him. I was never told what it could do. I
was just supposed to guard it with my life.
I guess I finally figured out what it could
do in the wrong hands. Every day I think
about that and wish that I hadn’t left it
where someone could get it. I wish I had
protected both you and the amulet. But
you, Logan, are more important to me
than that amulet, so when he beat you so
bad you ended up in the hospital, we left.
I should have left long before that, but I
held on to the hope that he would leave
the amulet lying around, so I could take it
back. If I could get it back, maybe he
would go back to the loving man I
married, to the loving father that he was
when you were born. I was fool to believe
that could happen, but love is blind. It
took him putting you in the hospital for
my eyes to truly see he was beyond
I remembered it all. I even had some
memories of being five or six and playing
catch with him. We were always laughing.
That’s the last good memory I could
remember. Things started clicking into
place. The way the darkness would
surround him used to scare me. What was
scaring me the most since Deandra left
was the darkness I felt inside of me.
Mom said, “I see it in you Logan,
that darkness that your father had. Yet
it’s different at the same time. You have
two ways you can go, but it’s your choice.
This next year is going to be extremely
hard for you. There’s going to be many
temptations to bring you to the side of
darkness, but your future is your choice to
“There was a guy here last night. He
said my destiny was already written, and
I have no choice. He said he would be back
for me. He said I belong to them. Is this
what he was talking about mom?”
“So it begins. Yes Logan. He’s
referring to the darkness in you. Your
future is not set in stone. That’s the
beauty of life. We make our own
“What am I supposed to do?”
“You need to live your life to the
best of your ability. You’re strong. You can
fight the darkness inside of you, but only
you can do that.”
“Who are they?” I asked, though I
had an idea.
She was quiet for a couple of
minutes and had that look teachers get
when they’re about to explain something
in detail, the face that told you that you
were about to be bored out of your mind.
    “The darkness is what some would
call evil, the devil's children so to speak. In
actuality, those who are considered "the
darkness" were once protectors who
decided they didn’t want to be servants to
a higher power. In every generation, there
are a few children born with great power.
This power could cause unrepairable
damage if the darkness were to gain all of
the children’s allegiances.
    Each person is created like a yin and
yang, an equal balance of white and black,
but it’s the person who decides his or her
own fate. Each individual is given the
choice of whether to go towards the good
or the evil. It’s your choice. Logan, you are
one of those children. If the darkness is
seeking you out and being this aggressive,
it’s because you hold the key to their
whole mission.” Her voice sounded
defeated, like she had already lost.
    “Agatha is going to be very
important in your life when the time
comes. Don’t be afraid. You can handle
this. I have faith in you Logan. You can
beat them.”
    Agatha? How did our neighbor fit
into this equation? I walked away and
tried to process all of this. Is it possible
that I was a mistake and was never
meant to be born? It felt like I was being
torn in two. Everything inside of me was
telling me that there’s more to this than
what my mom told me. I had this feeling
that something big was about to go down.
My life was going to change drastically.
The very essence of the world was going to
shift, and the balance lied with me.
    Does that sound cocky? Yes. I know
it does, but I knew

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