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Book: Entrelacen by Dani Morales Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Morales
that if I took the
wrong path, it could be very bad for all of
humanity. I just wondered when all this
would take place and what I would have
to do.

Chapter 9
    Ah hell. I knew something bad was bound to
happen. I was telling Brian that everything had been
going so good. I kept wondering when the other shoe
was going to drop.
    “It’s crazy Brian. Matthew is doing awesome.
He just got the surgery to remove the extra toe.
Christmas is around the corner. It’s all going so good
for me that I think something bad is coming. I can feel
    “Is it too hard for you to be happy? Come on
April, maybe the other shoe won’t drop.”
Well, the shoe met the floor.
My dad and his wife were about to unleash
some big news
“So what’s this news?”
“I’m pregnant!”
I was looking at them and getting more and
more furious. What the hell were they thinking? They
didn’t even take care of their one little boy as it was.
How could they be on the verge of having another?
My therapist told me to count to 10 before saying
something when I'm angry. That’s what I did. I
counted to ten and took a deep breath. It was time for
my infamous poker face to make an appearance again.
I hadn’t had to use that technique in a while, but it
was like riding a bike. Once you’ve mastered the
ability, you never truly forget.
“That’s great! When are you due?”
She looked so happy, like this pregnancy was
great news. “I’m due in August.”
I was having a total mental break down. How
did they think this was okay? They lived in a tiny
room with no bathroom or running water in my
grandparents' backyard.
I had nothing else to say that was nice, so after
a moment of silence, my father said that they were so
Shortly after they left, without Matthew by the
way, I was sitting on the couch staring into space
when my phone rang.
“Hello?” I was so out of it that I didn’t even
look at the caller ID.
“Hey April, what’s up?”
“Oh hey Marie. What are you doing?”
“Nothing. Is everything okay?”
Something must have been wrong with my
voice because she never asked me that. So I told her
what happened.
“So my dad and the bimbo are pregnant
“NO WAY! Are you serious? What the hell are
they thinking?”
“Girl, I have no idea.”
The call didn’t last long. After we hung up, I
started feeling a little bit better. That’s one thing I
always loved about talking to Marie. She seemed to
put a positive spin on bad things. I needed a lot of that
because I saw nothing good about this situation.
Things seemed to go by very quickly. It’s like
before when problems arise, or when I started to feel
stressed, time speeds up blocking out the chance to
care. Before I knew it, I had a little brother named
Lee. Soon after he was born, my mom, Brian, and I
got on a plane to Las Vegas for a much needed
vacation. Brian and I shared a bed. We still hadn’t
become anything more than friends, so we weren't
planning to have sex or anything. He was planning on
playing poker late at night a lot, which would leave
the bed unoccupied. Why waste a perfectly good bed?
Okay, maybe I did have a hidden agenda. I told him
that he could make me move to my mom's bed when
he got back at night, but I hoped he wouldn’t do that.
Deep inside I was hoping he would try to turn
our friendship into something more during our trip. I
woke up to him sleeping right next to me, every night.
That meant he had feelings for me, right? Why else
would you sleep in a bed with someone?
It was the last day of our vacation, and he still
hadn’t tried anything. I was furious and felt deflated
and more insecure than ever. He doesn’t like you
April. He feels sorry for you. Who would want
someone like you? You are nobody, and you’re always
just going to be the friend. I don’t know what you were
We left Las Vegas and made our way back
home to Texas. I don’t think I mentioned that I lived
in Texas, have I? Yeah,

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