Command Decisions (Book 3 of The Empire of Bones Saga)

Free Command Decisions (Book 3 of The Empire of Bones Saga) by Terry Mixon

Book: Command Decisions (Book 3 of The Empire of Bones Saga) by Terry Mixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Mixon
Tags: adventure, Space Opera, Military science fiction
    The lift opened and they all trooped toward the main conference room. Jared tapped into Courageous ’ scanners and noted that a cutter was on its way from Spear . Breckenridge obviously wasn’t taking Kelsey’s request to gather his senior officers seriously.
    This was going to be an entertaining meeting. He wondered if they’d all end up in the brig.
    Kelsey was obviously tapping into the scanner feed herself, because when she sat—at the head of the conference table—she gave Meyer a cold stare. “Your captain is ignoring my instruction to gather your ships’ commanders. He’s choosing to come over alone. This is not an auspicious beginning to our relationship. I suggest you contact him and correct this deficiency.”
    Her words surprised Meyer. “How could you possibly know what he’s doing, Highness?” He shook his head. “You have those implant things. Of course. I’d forgotten. It’s Captain Breckenridge’s opinion that those devices leave a person’s competency into doubt. Perhaps he only intends to see that you receive the medical care that you deserve.”
    The chill rolling off her became arctic. “Questioning my competency is an unwise course of action. I assure you that I have received the very best medical care possible. I understand and accept that you are following orders, but do not make yourself my enemy in your support of his policies. Do you understand me?”
    “I will obey my orders and do what I think best for the Empire, Highness,” he said stiffly.
    Meyer took a seat near the other end of the table. Jared sat on Kelsey’s right. The marines arrayed themselves behind the princess.
    Jared knew the moment Breckenridge docked and even watched the vid feed as he made his way toward the conference room. He looked supremely pissed. And he wasn’t alone. He’d brought half a dozen marines in light body armor. He obviously expected trouble.
    If he tried to take Kelsey, he’d get it, too.
    Courageous, pass a message to Lieutenant Reese. I want an armed response team with neural disruptors ready to respond at my call. If this situation gets physical, I want it stopped without loss of life.
    Acknowledged. Should this unit instruct the bridge to bring the ship to battle stations? This vessel’s screens and beam weapons give it a decisive advantage at this close range.
    Breckenridge strode into the conference room as though he owned it, his marines at his back. He hesitated when he saw the marines arrayed against the bulkhead. “You marines are dismissed.”
    “You overstep yourself, Captain,” Kelsey said, holding up a hand to stop her marines from moving. “These men are acting as my guards. They stay.”
    Jared was proud to see how she didn’t back down one centimeter.
    Breckenridge scowled. “You are out of line, Highness. You are only authorized to act as the backup diplomatic presence on this mission.”
    “Wrong. When Carlo Vega died, I assumed the mantle of Imperial ambassador. You are being insubordinate and it will stop now.”
    The Fleet officer looked flabbergasted. He’d probably hadn’t had anyone speak to him with that tone in years.
    He finally found his voice. “With all due respect to your father, you’ve been through a terrible ordeal. I have relieved Commander Mertz of his position as commander of this exploratory mission. Your position is subordinate to mine. You will submit to examination on board my ship and I will see that the Empire’s interests are represented appropriately.”
    Kelsey smiled without the least bit of humor. “I absolutely will not submit to anything. I will allow your medical personnel to examine me, but only under the circumstances that I dictate.”
    She paused a moment to allow her words to hang in the air between them. “The Empire is at war. As the voice of the emperor, I decide what response is appropriate. The exploratory mission ended when we discovered the fight against the rebels wasn’t over. You, sir, are

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