The Nurse's Love (BWWM Romance)

Free The Nurse's Love (BWWM Romance) by Tyra Brown, BWWM Crew

Book: The Nurse's Love (BWWM Romance) by Tyra Brown, BWWM Crew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyra Brown, BWWM Crew
coma. His wound has healed nicely and I don’t think there will be any reason why he can’t breathe and function on his own. We started the process this morning and he should be waking up sometime this afternoon. We will still keep him sedated, he will be awake and talking, but I’m sure most of it will be incoherent. We will take him off more and more gradually over the next few days until he is only on pain medication and sleeping soundly on his own.”
    She was the first to speak. “So does this mean he is fine, or he will be? What about brain function and all that? I’m no doctor, but being in this coma for two weeks now will that hurt him mentally?”
    The doctor smiled. “Yes, he is showing brain activity and I believe he will be fine. He will just need time to recuperate and then he will be good as new.”
    “Thank you, Doctor, thank you so much.” Mrs. Robinson shook his hand as they filed out of the room.
    Good as new. He had said good as new. Faith decided to pray for Cooper as she sat there in the chair in the corner.
    “Hello, Faith, what happened?” Linda was obviously on edge waiting to hear the results the doctor had given her. After she gave them the news, they all chatted for a few minutes and Faith gave Mrs. Robinson her afternoon medication. She asked Linda if she’d like to join them.
    “Oh no, I wouldn’t be even a little comfortable with them, Faith. It just doesn’t suit me. I’m quiet and wouldn’t even know what to talk to them about.” She was cleaning up the tray as she said it.
    “Is that why you have not come to dinner? I’ve missed having you there, Linda. This is your home as much as anyone else’s you know.” She stopped Linda from working and Linda looked up at her and blushed.
    “I know, Faith, and I appreciate you asking I really do, I’ve just been busy is all, that’s why I haven’t been there. I've  been seeing someone, he can be very insistent on things that’s all.” She went back to straightening up.
    “I hope you’re being careful, Linda, I’m here if you want to talk you know? I know we had that talk the other day I hope it doesn’t change anything...”
    “Oh no, not at all, Faith. We are fine.” She interrupted Faith mid-sentence. “I’m being careful and we will have to have a sit down about it soon, I promise.”
    “Okay then, well maybe I’ll just pass on lunch too. I feel like I’ve been putting so much extra work on you since this all happened with Mr. Robinson.” Faith made a move to empty the trash by the bed.

Chapter 13
    Faith and Mrs. Robinson went to the café around the corner. Faith had never been there but she had always heard great things about it. They enjoyed a lunch of Caesar salad and tea as well as lemon cakes for dessert. Stuffed, Faith sat back in her chair. “I don’t think I’ve eaten a regular meal since Cooper was shot. I certainly made up for that didn’t I?” She laughed.
    “Faith, I’ve been thinking about this Cynthia woman.”
    “Yes, me too, if they are getting married it seems she would at least show up when he almost dies. But then that’s just my opinion.”
    “I agree, dear, wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact I think she is bad news, solely out for his money. What she doesn’t realize is that he is going to lose it all.” She gave Faith a sad look. “Has he told you about the will?”
    “Yes, he told me.” Faith grew silent as she spoke. “But he won’t lose everything, Mrs. Robinson.”
    “You seem so sure, sweetheart, but the rules were very clear.”
    “He won’t lose everything because I'm pregnant, Mrs. Robinson. I just found out recently.” She said so sheepishly. “He will have an heir.”
    “Oh, well now, well that does change things now doesn’t it? Well now…have you told him?”
    “No…I wasn’t sure what to do.”
    “Oh, my dear, I’ll be there every step of the way I assure you.” She

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