New Title 1

Free New Title 1 by R. Frederick Hamilton

Book: New Title 1 by R. Frederick Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Frederick Hamilton
pretty much left her alone for the rest of her shift. Fucking stupid bitch , Rachel shook her head in disbelief, saying I’m not fit to provide service just cause of a bandage on my hand. Argh!
    Rachel deliberately forced her mind off of the issue. Work was finished for the week; she had a good night out planned and a blissful weekend to follow. There was no need to ruin it with thoughts of Maree. No need to brood on it.
    Not when compared to the other matter…
    Rachel had no idea what to do about that one. She couldn’t very well call in the cops now could she? What would they be able to do about it? Sure they could come and take a statement in case it happened again but with the cum cleaned up would they even believe her? Rachel berated herself for not doing anything that morning. She should have reported it straight away. Or at least taken a couple of photos or something.
    So what, are you just going to ignore it? The voice chirped up in her head.
    What am I going to say if they ask why I didn’t report it straight off? That’s exactly what I’m going to do , she countered instinctively. It might have just been a one-off. If it happens again I’ll do something.
    Are you sure you’re not just looking for an excuse again? The voice persisted but Rachel forced it out of her mind.
    Right now , she thought as she caught sight of the clock, I have to get ready.
    Ana would be dropping by to collect her in an hour and if she wanted to look her best for the “accidental” tag-a-long, she’d better get started. It was just a shame about her hand. Rachel unwrapped the bandage and peered down at the cuts across it. At least they weren’t too deep and had already scabbed over. She’d just have to be a little careful with how she held her hands.
    It was only as she made her way to the bathroom that she realised she’d forgotten to call the landlord again.
    She could have screamed in frustration.
    * * * * *
    His eyes were on her as she locked the door and started down the driveway to where Ana was waiting in her old beat-up Mazda. She caught a brief glimpse of him throwing an empty bottle into the recycling bin but beyond that, refused to look at him.
    It might not be him , the voice chirped up.
    Yeah right, it’s just coincidence that he moves in and suddenly there’s sprog on my window and my underwear goes fucking missing… And does he really have to fucking stare like that?
    Rachel could feel his eyes boring into her back.
    Was he just waiting for her to leave? He’d be in for a surprise if he was. There wasn’t a skerrick of clothing on the line now and she’d taped an A4 sheet of paper to the window. That ought to give him a shock , she thought as she ran the message she’d scrawled on it over in her brain: I know you’re watching. There is a camera set up. Smile.
    Although it was a blatant lie, Rachel still grinned a little as she imagined his reaction.
    You don’t know it’s … The voice began again.
    Oh shut up , Rachel cut it off even though experience had told her it was best to listen to it. A conscience? The voice of reason? She didn’t know what it was. All she knew was that it had reined her in many times before. Cutting through when she got a little too worked up about something. Not that it meant she always had to listen to it though. No, sometimes it was eminently more satisfying to just ignore it.
    She was well aware that it might not be her neighbour but it was easier to focus her anger if she had a scapegoat. It wasn’t like she was going to do anything anyway… Well, not unless it happened again…
    ‘Come on, move those feet!’ Ana bellowed from the open window of the car, ‘There’s fun afoot!’
    Rachel couldn’t help but grin. Although she was the resident teetotaller, Ana was also the resident nutter of the group. Loud and bubbly, a little scatterbrained, erring just on the right side of irritating but hilariously funny too. Rachel shuddered to think what she’d be like

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