Maddie's Camp Crush

Free Maddie's Camp Crush by Angela Darling

Book: Maddie's Camp Crush by Angela Darling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Darling
    â€œThat’s okay,” he said. “I think the way everyone here puts ketchup on everything is weird. Seth even puts it on his scrambled eggs.”
    â€œI do too,” Maddie admitted. “It’s yummy.”
    Gabriel shook his head. “See? Weird.”
    They talked until it was time to head back to their bunks. When Maddie caught up to her friends, they were full of questions.
    â€œIs Gabriel your boyfriend?” Libby asked directly. “I mean, you guys are with each other all the time.”
    â€œWell, he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend,” Maddie replied.
    â€œBut if he did, would you?” Emily asked.
    â€œGuys!” Liza said in a warning tone.
    â€œNo, it’s okay,” Maddie said. “I don’t mind talkingabout it. I guess, it’s just, I don’t know. I mean, if he were my boyfriend, how would things be different? We’d still just hang out and talk, right?”
    The girls were silent for a moment as they considered this.
    â€œIt would have to be different,” Libby said finally. “I mean, you’d have to do everything together and stuff.”
    â€œEw, you would not,” Emily joined in. “I mean, that would be boring, wouldn’t it?”
    â€œMy mom says I can’t have a boyfriend until I’m sixteen,” Samantha offered.
    â€œMaybe she’s onto something,” Maddie said. Crushing on a boy was one thing, but having an actual boyfriend? That sounded like a lot of work. Right now, it would be nice if everything could just stay the same.
    They hadn’t noticed that Amelia had been sitting on her bed, listening to them. “You guys don’t know what do to with a boyfriend?” she said. “That’s really pathetic.”
    â€œIt is not pathetic, Amelia,” said Liza. “We just have other things that we are interested in besides boys. Well, in addition to boys.”
    Amelia ignored her.
    â€œYou talk to a boyfriend every day. And you text, ande-mail. And things get assumed. Like when you have a dance or something you know that you will dance with him. You don’t have to worry about him asking you because he’s always your boyfriend. Seriously I cannot believe none of you have ever had a boyfriend before.” She sighed and got under her covers, presumably to text again.
    Maddie thought about what Amelia said as she settled in. It sounded good. The not worrying part. Because right now she was worried about pretty much everything.

chapter 12
    MADDIE WOKE THE NEXT MORNING TO THE SOUND of shrieks and squeals. She sat upright in her bed, startled.
    Emily and Libby were still asleep, but the other beds were empty. Samantha came running out of the bathroom area, giggling.
    â€œWhat’s going on?” Maddie asked, yawning.
    â€œOh my gosh, it’s awful!” Samantha said, still giggling.
    â€œThen why are you laughing?” Maddie asked.
    â€œIt’s just—it’s that—oh, I can’t!” And then Samantha flopped down on her bed, trying to smother her laughter in a pillow.
    Maddie jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Both Liza and Amelia were standing in front of the mirrors, wrapped in towels and still dripping from the shower. They both looked like they were in shock, and it was easy to see why: Liza’s blond hair was now orange,and Amelia’s light brown hair was streaked with bright purple!
    Maddie put a hand over her mouth. “What happened?”
    Amelia was too angry to reply, but Liza broke into a grin.
    â€œI have to admit, it was brilliant,” she said. “The boys pranked us. They must have put bug juice in our shampoo bottles.” She leaned in closer to look at her hair.
    Amelia ducked into the shower and came back with her shampoo bottle. She dumped it into the sink, and grape bug juice flowed out.
    â€œThose idiots!” she shrieked. “There has got to be some way to get this

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