The Fall of Shane MacKade

Free The Fall of Shane MacKade by Nora Roberts

Book: The Fall of Shane MacKade by Nora Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Roberts
to add to her reputation.
    Shane wasn’t a part of the plan.
    His house was, however. She drew another deep breath, tried to settle her jolted nerves. There was something here for her, she was sure of it. She couldn’t feel it now, not when her system was sparkling like hot, naked wires.
    She would have to come back, she decided. She would have to come back and make sure she had time to explore the possibilities here. The only way to manage that, she decided, was to simultaneously charm Shane and keep him at arm’s length.
    Dinner at Regan’s would be a good start.
    It seemed to Rebecca that there were children everywhere—babies, toddlers, older kids, all going about the business of cooing, squabbling, racing. Toys were spread all over the living room rug, where Regan’s Nate could compete with his cousin Layla for the best and brightest building block.
    She knew who belonged to whom now. Layla, who held her own with her slightly older cousin, belonged to Jared and Savannah, as did the slim, dark-haired boy, Bryan. She knew Jared was the oldest of the MacKade brothers, a lawyer who seemed very at home in his loosened tie.
    His wife was quite possibly the most stunning woman Rebecca had ever seen. Hugely pregnant, her thick black hair twisted back in a braid, dark eyes sultry and amused,Savannah looked, to Rebecca’s mind, like some well-satisfied fertility goddess.
    Connor was about Bryan’s age, as fair as his cousin was dark, and with Cassie’s slow shy warmth in his eyes. There was Emma, a golden pixie of about seven, who squeezed into the chair beside her stepfather. Rebecca found it both sweet and telling to see the easy way Devin MacKade’s arm curled around the little girl while he held his sleeping baby in the crook of the other.
    Wild and tough the MacKade brothers might be, but Rebecca had never seen any men so deeply entrenched in family.
    â€œSo, what do you think of Antietam so far?” Rafe stepped expertly over dog, toys and children to top off Rebecca’s glass of wine.
    â€œI think a lot of it,” she said, and flashed him a quick smile. “It’s charming, quiet, bursting with history.”
    He cocked a brow. “Haunted?”
    â€œNo one seems to doubt it.” She cast an amused look at Shane, who’d settled down next to Savannah to pat her belly. “Almost no one.”
    â€œSome people block their imagination.” Casually Savannah shifted Shane’s hand to the left, where the baby was kicking vigorously. “There are some places in this area with very strong memories.”
    It was an intriguing way of putting it, Rebecca mused. “Memories.”
    Savannah shrugged. “Violent death, and violent unhappiness, leave marks, deep ones. Of course, that’s not very scientific.”
    â€œThat would depend on what theory you subscribe to,” Rebecca answered.
    â€œI guess we’ve all had some experience with the ghosts, or leftover energy, or whatever you choose to call it,” Jared began.
    â€œSpeak for yourself.” Shane tipped back his beer. “I don’t go around talking to people who aren’t there.”
    Jared only grinned. “He’s still ticked off about when I scared the hell out of him when we were kids, spending the night in the old Barlow place.”
    Recognizing the look in Shane’s eye, Devin decided to step in as peacemaker. “Scared the hell out of all of us,” he said. “Rattling chains, creaking boards. I imagine you’re looking for something a little more subtle, Rebecca.”
    â€œWell, I’m certainly looking.” It surprised and pleased her when Nate toddled over and crawled into her lap. She hadn’t been around children enough to know whether she appealed to them, or they to her. “I’m anxious to get started,” she added as Nate toyed with the tourmaline pendant she wore.
    â€œDinner in five,” Regan

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