Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Free Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Yvette Hines

Book: Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Yvette Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvette Hines
discover he had played for the Thunders rival, but now worked as the co-program director of the Thunders. She was sure nepotism was in effect since his brother was president of the team. Ian had been direct and tough on her, so she couldn’t see him as someone that would put someone in a position because of family relations if they weren’t qualified.
    “Hi, Jo’el, it’s good to see you again.” Madison walked up to her and gave her a hug.
    Taken aback, she hesitated before embracing the elegant blonde.
    Madison chuckled, picking up on the hesitancy. “We’re professional here, but we don’t stand on formalities.”
    She nodded as they broke apart. “Congratulations on your marriage, Madison. You’re practically radiant with joy.”
    “Thank you. It’s due to this guy.” Madison rested her hand on her husband’s side as he stepped forward with his hand extended.
    “Nice to meet you, Jo’el. We heard a lot of good things about you from Ian this morning.” The man was imposing in his physique and stature. Jo’el didn’t have to stretch her imagination to see the brown haired and dark eyed man as leader of a team.
    “You’re the face of the program.” Jo’el stated as she recognized him from the flyer Mr. Stosch had given her, the only item to start her preparation.
    “Good to know marketing is on their job and our advertisement is getting around.” Alex offered her a charming smile.
    Jo’el noted how striking a pair Madison and Alex made. “It is. Whenever you all are ready to get started, I am.”
    “Eager, I like that.” Madison nodded. “Once our liaison from Fine PR Firm gets here you can begin.”
    Just as the other woman said it, the door opened and two people entered.
    “Perfect timing.” Alex stepped to the older of the two men and shook his hand first then went to the next guy.
    The two additions to the meeting greeted Madison with handshakes as well.
    “Derek Fine this is Jo’el Gifford.” Alex led the man to her and made the introductions. “As we spoke on the phone, she is looking to head the financial training and management for the players who enlist in the program.”
    Derek introduced the young associate with him.
    “Nice to meet you both.” Jo’el said.
    Once everyone had their seats, Madison inclined a hand to her. “We’re ready to get started when you are, Jo’el.” She sat beside Alex on one side of the table while the PR members were across from them.
    Taking her place at the front of the room Jo’el began. She started off with the first slide that listed her credentials—education and experience in the financial field. “Currently, I am the top financial analyst at Stosch, Morgan and Stosch. Knowing numbers and being able to read and project changes in the financial market is my forte. That alone will make me a damn great manager for those enrolled in your program.” She clicked to the next screen and their slogan popped up.
    “You all desire to assist current and past players in protecting, educating as well as ensuring they succeed in life for the future beyond the field.” She looked around the room meeting each gaze before stopping at Alex as she took a step closer away from the screen and closer to the table. “I will admit. I knew absolutely nothing about the sport of football prior to taking on this assignment. I never understood how grown men could put their body in such danger.” She clicked the remote several times and now the slides were showing multiple players limping, being carried or driven away from the field during a game. She didn’t place one of Alex up there because his picture was already part of Fine’s marketing.
    “But, I studied and learned and watched games and training camp films and understood that passion. You want to know what enlightened me?”
    “What?” Alex rested back in his chair meeting her gaze steadily.
    “Pop Warner.” She smiled breaking the tension as she glanced at everyone. Jo’el laughed at the

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