The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers)

Free The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) by Jen Robyn

Book: The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) by Jen Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Robyn
    “I’m afraid he’ll take a bit more charming than
his grandfather,” she murmured.  “You’d best use all your charms to advantage,
my girl.”
    Sionne fluttered her lashes once.  “Why, Mother,
I think you underestimate my intelligence.  Why else would I choose such a
low-cut gown?”  Nodding once in approval, the elder woman departed.
    “Surface beauty only goes so far, sister,” said
another voice, highly similar to her own.  Not surprising, since it came from
Sionne’s twin Sireni.  “But a man like Dominick Westbrooke will want far more
than a pretty face.  He’ll desire a willing woman to warm his nights, which you
my dear sister, are not.”
    Her words struck an expected
minor chord from Sionne, for unlike her sister, she had a strong dislike for
physical closeness, repulsed even by kisses, and had no intention of giving up
her virtue lightly.  Fortunately, intimacy was required but once to consummate
a marriage.  After that, she had every intention of keeping things in name only
with her future husband.
    “Dominick doesn’t need to know that,” Sionne
retorted.  “And you aren’t going to tell him, unless you want me
to let it drop that you’re having an affair with his worst enemy.”
    Sireni’s cheek twitched, but she maintained her
usual catlike smile.  “Touché, Sionne,” she murmured, folding her arms.  “And
may I ask how you intend to keep your husband at bay with forced celibacy?”
    Sionne’s smile rivaled her own.  “Very simple,
dear sister.  I shall suddenly contract a migraine every night.”  Laughing at
her own cleverness, she waltzed out, ignoring Sireni’s skeptical expression.
    “Sir, I’m sure he’ll be down presently,” said the
palace butler, trying desperately to maintain decorum.
    A pointless battle with the Westbrooke brothers.
    “Grandfather!” Dominick shouted again.
    “Blazes, boy, you don’t have to crumble the
castle walls with your bellowing!” Chaos barked back from the staircase.
    “ Yes, you rival our kind when you do that, ”
chuckled a deeper voice, as a silver dragon emerged from another room, earning
the attention of both.  Fortunately, the wise Chaolyn had altered his size to
fit more comfortably in the palace without bumping into furniture, although he
knew Chaos wished he’d revert to his human form altogether when indoors.
    Calming slightly, Dominick faced
him apologetically.  “I’m sorry for that, Chaolyn, but I received an urgent
message to come, and I didn’t want to waste any unnecessary time.”
    “ Humans can’t help that with their limited
lifespans, but I understand, my young friend, ” the dragon replied. 
When the elder man came downstairs, eyeing him questioningly, he gestured a
taloned claw forward.  “ After our talk earlier, I’d hope you wouldn’t
mind my merely listening in, my friend. ”
    “As you will,” sighed Chaos.
    Dominick’s expression became grim as he strode
towards his grandfather.  “I got here as soon as I could.  Don’t tell me.  The
pyromasters are at it again, right?”
    Chaos’s green eyes widened,
before he gave a short laugh.  “Not quite.  If that was the case, Chaolyn and I
could have handled it.”  Ignoring his grandson’s bemused look, he shook his
head.  “No, Dominick, this involves a more personal issue, regarding these
foolish dream-state affairs of yours.”
    Thinking of Julianna, Dominick frowned.  “Riff
certainly doesn’t waste time in spreading lies about me,” he said icily. 
“Look, Grandfather, contrary to what he may have told you, I’ve been steering
clear of female dreamers for the past several months.  But as to the one Riff
may have mentioned...”
    “I might have known,” sighed Chaos.  “Dominick,
it’s time you stop chasing dream women, and settle down with one woman of our
world.  In other words, it’s high time you married.”
    Chaolyn’s ears perked up at that, while Dominick
began to laugh. 

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