The Unexpected Bride (The Brides Book 1)
her bed last night, because he was here, right beside her, fixing her with the most intense stare. It was like he was trying to pry a confession from her. As if she’d done something wrong.
    She wrinkled her brow, wondering what she’d done.
    He gave an embarrassed sounding cough as her gaze wandered to the open neck of his nightshirt. She quickly averted her eyes.
    Had he tried to wake her up last night? Her cheeks warmed at the thought of him watching her sleep. What a strange and awkward marriage they’d tumbled into. She looked into her husband’s deep brown eyes, eyes holding a hint of reproach. She nearly groaned aloud. The perfect wife wouldn’t have slept through her wedding night, would she?
    “I’m sorry for falling asleep last night. You should’ve woken me up.” She gave him a shy, apologetic smile and snuggled down into her pillow, waiting for him to respond.
    How very, very strange to have a man beside her. She may as well have been walking down Main Street in her nightclothes—that’s how strange it felt.
    On the heels of that thought she remembered what she’d learned last night. Isaac hadn’t sent for her. Sam had.
    She should ask him. She should ask him straight out if he wanted to be married to her or not.
    She moistened her lips. Tried to form the words.
    How could she?
    Time would tell, soon enough, wouldn’t it? She could at least try to make the best of it.
    Isaac shifted under Rebecca’s inquiring eyes. He had to confront her about this Jack fellow.
    So…who’s Jack?
    Is there anyone back home—anyone important I should know about?
    But he couldn’t get the words out. It was all too humiliating.
    She never claimed to love me. In fact, she’d said she didn’t expect a love match. Was that why? Because she already loved another man?
    The little smile she was giving him turned his belly all soft and warm. She had no call to smile at him that way when she loved another man.
    He had to do it.
    He had to swallow his discomfort and ask.
    Get it out in the open.
    Clear the air.
    Okay then.
    Anytime now.
    Turning onto his side toward her, he propped himself on one elbow and rested his head on his hand. He stared at her for a moment and asked, “Who’s Jack?”
    “Jack?” She stiffened a little and moistened her lips.
    “Yes, Jack . I think you know who I mean?” At her miserable looking nod, he continued, “Didn’t you think I deserved to know that your heart is consigned to another? Before we got married?”
    “I... I...” She stammered, and her brow wrinkled in confusion.
    He waited. His heart seemed intent on hammering as loudly as his construction crew banging on the roof a couple of days ago.
    Her throat worked and, after a minute of looking around the room as if for answers, her gaze met his, and she nodded jerkily. “You’re right. You had a right to know. And I—and I’m sorry. My heart’s not free. That—that’s true. I won’t lie.”
    “I see.” He felt his jaw clench with equal parts anger and hurt.
    “And what about you?” she whispered.
    “I’m not in love with anybody.”
    Something flickered in her eyes, recognition of what he’d just said, but some other expression he couldn’t read. Some womanly thing probably. How should he know?
    “Never have been,” he added for good measure. Which probably revealed more than he’d intended, he realized belatedly.
    “I mean, what about you not sending for me? What about that?”
    She had a point there. He hadn’t told her.
    He still didn’t feel like bringing it out in the open.
    Now look what you’ve done, Pop. See? What a fine mess.
    “Exactly,” she said, a slight militant glint in her eye, as if she wasn’t going to let him get away with anything. Good to know.
    “I’m sorry,” he said. “Maybe I should have said something.” It was a small admission. “I was just trying to spare your feelings.”
    She pressed her lips closed. Maybe she was trying to hold her

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