Beyond the Pine

Free Beyond the Pine by Kate Benson

Book: Beyond the Pine by Kate Benson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Benson
her arm.
    When she turns to face me, she looks surprised.
    “Asher, you should be resting. You might…”
    “Shh,” I quiet her, pulling her close.
    I know she may never leave this place. I know a life with her might end up being just as big a dream as her wondering what else awaits her beyond those trees. I know all of this, but try as I might, I can’t stop fighting for her. I can’t let her go without knowing I did something to make sure she never forgets I’ll be waiting.
    Pulling her to my chest, I take one hand in mine and steady the other on the back of her waist. Humming quietly, I slowly begin to sway, moving her with me as I whisper the words to a song I’d not sung in years. As her eyes meet mine, understanding hides there and slowly, her gaze softens.
    She says nothing, instead allowing me to give her this gift, somehow knowing, same as me, that it might be all I can ever offer her.
    As the light of the moon illuminates her skin through the small window behind my cot, I slowly drink her in, memorizing the soft planes of her skin. Each freckle, the fine wisps of hair that gently flow against her cheek, I become enraptured by all of it, searing it into my mind, just in case this is the last time, the only time we’re allowed to share a moment like this.
    As I extend my arm, holding her hand in mine, I slowly spin her in front of me. The last notes of the song slip from my lips in a whisper, the deep timbre of my voice not doing them justice as I hold her perfect, emerald eyes.
    Her thick, black eyelashes flutter as I return her to my chest, pressing my lips to her forehead and coming to a slow stop, but neither of us ready for me to release my grip.
    “I’m no prince,” I whisper into her dark hair, a smile playing on my lips as I whisper against her cheek. “But...”
    “That was perfect, Asher,” she cuts me off, finally giving me her eyes. “Thank you.”
    I take her in, slowly raising my hand to cup her cheek as I run the pad of my thumb over her skin. With a soft smile, I commit this moment to memory with the others.
    “Don’t mention it,” I whisper, hating the feel of her pulling away.
    “Goodnight,” she says quietly, surprising me when she reaches up on her toes and gives me a soft kiss before turning to leave me once more.
    I watch her move toward the door, wishing I could demand she stay with me, but knowing better. It’s not until she pushes it open and the moonlight falls on her face as she glances over her shoulder once more that I see the tears falling over her alabaster cheeks.
    In the next breath, she’s gone.

Chapter Eleven
    Regardless of my warning, Asher refused to leave. I knew the more time we spent together, the harder it would be for both of us in the long run.
    I should have been the strong one. I should have walked away, refused to be alone with him and focused on my imminent future. I couldn’t, though.
    Neither of us could.
    I knew if we were found out, the consequences would be more than either of us could bear. However, even the threat of expulsion was no longer enough to keep me away.
    If I was to spend my life submitting to the will of others, forced to marry a man I’d never crave the way I crave Asher, I’d indulge in the shadows with him as long as I could.
    Over the course of the next two weeks, Asher and I snuck off to the stables every day under the guise of checking on his damaged bike. Although he finally looked at it on the third day we visited, I’d be lying if I said he did much work on it.
    Instead, we found ourselves entranced with each other. I found myself addicted to the taste of his kiss, the feel of his large hands roaming over my waist as I melted into his calloused skin.
    On our walks to and from, we engrossed ourselves in learning about each other. Although the words were never spoken, there was an ever-growing feeling of inevitability that our time together would be ending soon. I hated the truth in it, but any other reality

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