Avet, Danica - Ain't No Bull [The Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Avet, Danica - Ain't No Bull [The Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Danica Avet

Book: Avet, Danica - Ain't No Bull [The Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Danica Avet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danica Avet
her? What the hell was up with that, she wondered wildly. She had control over her hormones, regardless of what her tribe thought.
    Just when she thought she’d have to make a decision to fight or run Grant’s body relaxed. The black faded from his eyes slowly, though the intensity in his gaze didn’t lessen.
    “No,” he finally said, his voice deep and gravelly. “We don’t bite. Only a female whose touch is recognized by the ring has a chance of bonding with a minotaur.” His nostrils flared as he sucked in a deep breath. “Each ring has a twin somewhere in the world. If the female holds, or finds, my ring’s twin, it solidifies the bond for eternity.” His eyes became heavy-lidded. “Once that happens, conception isn’t far behind.”
    His blunt words caused her womb to contract with want. Her body was so not listening to her head where this male was concerned. Conception. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought about. Amazons were like human women in their fertility cycles which meant fourteen days before her period were their most fertile. By her calculations, she had maybe a week before she became fertile.
    If the look in Grant’s eyes was any indication, he was ready to plant some seeds and watch them grow. Not that she should really worry. She didn’t have the other half of his ring. Still, a little voice persisted, she needed to be out of here before she had sex with him, which meant she needed to find out what, if any, part Grant and his company played in Ormond Steele’s grand plan.

    * * * *

    Avyn Locke stared at her sisters. They’d returned to their safe house hours ago, but hadn’t come to talk to her about their mission until now. Seeing the shame on their faces, she understood why they’d waited, but that still didn’t help her.
    “So what you’re telling me is that some random Amazon beat you up and stole your bull,” she said, trying to make sense of the story.
    Blanche, the second oldest in their family, hung her head. “We took a shortcut through the old Black Dog Camp since that’s where the minotaur brought us. She was there, almost as though she’d been waiting for us.”
    Carly nodded adamantly, her red hair wild and disheveled. “She was strong, too, Avyn. Like a…like a…” her voice trailed off.
    “Like an Amazon?” Avyn asked mildly.
    Drucilla, Francine, and Glenda giggled while Carly turned red. Avyn rubbed her temples. This was very not good, she thought. That minotaur was important to her lover, more important than she was.
    Eve, the youngest of the group stepped forward. “I don’t think the minotaur knew who she was.” She was the only one in the group who showed any intelligence other than Avyn.
    Giving her baby sister a doting smile, Avyn asked her why.
    “Because she didn’t know what we were doing with him. She just started talking shit and then Carly called her a fat ass,” Eve recited calmly, ignoring the daggers her third sister glared at her. “That’s when she attacked. I think she probably would have let us go if Carly hadn’t opened her big, fat mouth.”
    Avyn glared at Eve. “Ladies do not swear, Eve.” The others cringed. “What else happened?” Not that she really wanted to know. What they’d told her so far was bad enough.
    Drusilla stared at the floor, wringing her hands. “We might have um, vandalized her car.”
    Avyn drew in a deep breath through her nose. She wouldn’t lose her temper. She was in a sea of tranquility. She was calm, she was calm…she was going to burn them to a crisp!
    All six of her sisters jumped when a ring of fire surrounded them. They shot terrified looks at the inferno of fury they’d unleashed, otherwise known as their eldest sister.
    Avyn stood. “Do you realize what kind of trouble you’ve caused me with this?” she hissed, her eyes twin flames of gold. “Do you have any idea what could and will happen to us, all of us, if we don’t bring that minotaur to Ormond?” They didn’t answer,

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