Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)

Free Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series) by T. H. Snyder

Book: Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series) by T. H. Snyder Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. H. Snyder
as of right now is that she’s currently stable.”
    “Stable? She’s going to be okay, right?”
    My soul aches for my best friend; I can’t imagine how he’s feeling right now.
    “She’s under the best care possible right now. I’ll let you know if I hear anything else. The nurses up there know to keep us all up to date with her care.”
    Linc rests his head back on his pillow and closes his eyes.
    Steve, now fully awake and alert, moves to stand next to Linc and places his hand on his left shoulder.
    “She’ll be okay, man; Jo is one hell of a fighter.”
    “If you guys want to get out of here for a bit, I’ll take your cell numbers and call if we hear anything more,” Kathy says.
    “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea, Dault. Why don’t we head back over to get your car and we’ll meet back up here later. Neither one of us are any use right now without sleep or food.”
    “Steve is right, Dault, just come back later. It’s not like Jo and I are going anywhere.”
    “You’ll call us if anything happens, right?”
    The nurse nods her head and takes down our numbers.
    With a small peace of mind, Steve and I walk our way out of the room and to the elevator. A nice hot shower and a nap could really do me good right about now.

Chapter 10
    The pain meds are starting to kick in, and any moment now I’ll be taken up to my room.
    My eyes flutter open and close; I can barely keep them open. I’ve felt out of sorts on medication before, but that was when Rick had been giving me those pills. It’s almost like an out of body experience.
    Since I feel so numb, the orderly and nurse bring a wheelchair into the room and help me out of bed.
    There are long, clear tubes dangling from two large bags that are now hanging from the metal rod on the chair. Everything is connected to a single clear tube that is attached to the IV inserted in my left hand. The sensation of floating overcomes me as I’m wheeled out of the room, through the halls, and into an elevator.  
    I try to focus on my surroundings, but everything seems to be passing by so quickly.
    Damn these drugs are making me loopy.
    After what seems like no time at all, I’m being pushed into a single room with a bed positioned right in the center.
    Now how the hell am I going to get up on that?
    “Can you get up from the chair, Miss Powers?”
    I shake my head back and forth until I make myself dizzier than I was before.
    A snickering noise sounds from behind me and I can only assume the craziness this man has seen in his time working here.
    He helps to guide me from the wheelchair and into my bed. Bringing the covers up around my shoulders, a slight tremble moves through my body as I move to get comfortable under the blankets.
    I watch as he leaves the room. Everyone has left; I’m once again all alone.
    There are no doctors, nurses, orderlies, and of course, no Christian.
    He hasn’t come back since he walked out of my room in the ER and I honestly can’t blame him. I may not have been the nicest to him, but he has to understand that I’m not in a good place.
    I’m not looking for pity or anyone to show me empathy; I just want to be left alone. There’s a lot of stuff I need to figure out before I get out of here. Once I’m free and clear of all doctors’ orders, I need to find a way out of this town.
    Birmingham hasn’t been my home for long and I didn’t intend to stay here long anyway. It was just supposed to be a short stop on my long tour of finding my place in this world.
    I’ll miss Linc—he’s the one friend that I’ve made that helped me realize the person I really am. I know that he’ll understand why I can’t make this town my home.
    I don’t know where I’ll go or what will happen. All I can think about right now is getting my shit together and moving on…once again.
    A clicking sound draws my attention to the door. As it opens, a short, red-haired man walks into the

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