Chrono Inquisitor (Gods Be Damned)

Free Chrono Inquisitor (Gods Be Damned) by Rien Reigns

Book: Chrono Inquisitor (Gods Be Damned) by Rien Reigns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rien Reigns
around my neck?”
    I gave a sigh and waved my hand in the air in a brushing away manner “A simple show of theatrics to allow you an alibi to disappear for a while. And the collar is because I wasn’t sure if you’d be a good dog and not bite. I still haven’t made up my mind on that last one.”
    Paxton rubbed the collar. “Best leave it on, my bite’s way worse than my bark.”
    “And you say I’m the comedian. I hope you’re telling the truth on that, otherwise you’re useless to me.”
    “So you’re not pressing charges.”
    “Not at the moment. Besides, it’s not as if you actually stole anything. The way I see it, you’re in a predicament and I have an out. I consider it a win-win situation. Just because I’m not charging you now, doesn’t mean that I can’t, and won’t, later on. Did you understand that, or do I need to repeat myself?”
    Paxton reached into his jacket and produced a six-inch blade. “I ain’t going to be your slave. I’ve had enough of that for a lifetime. Best kill me now.”
    I was off my game. I hadn’t even bothered to do a weapons check before I brought him into closed quarters.
    “So now you’re threatening me. Would you make up your mind already, because I was just about to give you a passing grade.”
    Paxton kept his mouth shut and held out his hands, indicating he was waiting for me to speak.
    “Excellent, I knew I wasn’t wrong about you. You’ve passed the test. Had a few rough spots, but overall, I’m impressed. Look, as much as the myths say about us, Inquisitions aren’t always about torture. In fact, most aren’t. Actually, most of the time a person doesn’t even know they’re being inquisitioned, which is why when a judgment occurs people mysteriously go missing and aren’t seen again. So, how does it feel to have been inquisitioned? Or, more aptly put, acquisitioned?”
    “Seriously?” Paxton looked around again. “But you didn’t do shit.”
    I sighed. “I’ve never really gotten off on anal. Giving or receiving. Just doesn’t feel quite right.”
    This last remark rendered Paxton speechless.
    I prayed.
    Please, Odin, the All-Father, grant this man a little wisdom. Enough, anyway, to keep him from getting himself killed. More importantly, for him to not get me killed in the process of using him.
    “I’m just fucking with you,” I said. “Stop taking everything so seriously. I’ve already gone through all your official records, as well as everything about you in the aether, both public and private. I believe I’ve rendered a fairly accurate psych profile. I’ve determined that you’re a product of bad luck and untimely circumstances, but overall a most respectable man at heart. Sure, it was stupid of you to get involved with a Purist girl, and then to get her pregnant. Definitely not smart. But then again, you were a Purist yourself. I have a question though, why didn’t you marry her and stay with your people?”
    “I thought you already knew everything,” he said with a smirk.
    “Not everything is in the aether, especially when it comes to Purists. They’re a secretive lot. Notice how I didn’t say ‘you’re,’ considering you aren’t one of them anymore, on account you’ve tech-sinned and gone and got yourself integrated.”
    A flash of sadness washed over his face. “I wanted to marry her. I asked for permission even, but her parents wouldn’t allow it. They said I wasn’t good enough. That her getting pregnant was all my fault. That I’d corrupted her.”
    “I see. And so because of what happened, you went and got yourself myted-up. Joined the rest of us heathens.”
    “What do you know?” Paxton said angrily, bringing the knife back up. As if that were intimidating to me.
    Actually, I already knew all about Paxton’s predicament. Enough bits and pieces were scattered in the aether to form an impression. I also had known that it was a sore spot for the man. Not that I could blame him. Hell, my own marriage was

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