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Book: Sworn by Emma Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Knight
reason with them, they would get angrier and might ground her for longer -- so she knew that wasn’t an option.
     She wondered if she had Rob show up and ring her bell, that maybe her parents would feel bad and let her go out. But she didn’t think that would work because she knew she wouldn’t get the sympathy card tonight.
    Suddenly, Rachel had an idea. Today was Saturday, and she knew her parents always went out on Saturday nights for dinner. Rachel could sneak out. She had never snuck out of her house before, but tonight was not just another night out with the girls -- this was her BIG date night with Rob, and she couldn’t miss it for the world.
    The one hiccup in the plan was that Rachel wasn’t sure if her parents were going out this Saturday, because it was their first Saturday in the new house and they might still be unpacking, or have other things to do around the house. They might also be too tired after the craziness she had put them through last night. She had to find out.
    But how?
    Rachel knew that if she asked them straight out, they would know something was up; Rachel never inquired about their plans before, so why would she start doing it now? Especially when she was grounded?
    Suddenly, a stroke of genius entered her brain. She figured out the perfect way to find out their plans, while not letting on that she was really trying to find a way to sneak out.
    Rachel felt torn about her idea. She knew if she went forward with it, she would have to tell a lie -- but if she didn’t go through with it, she may let the love of her life slip through her fingers. The battle in her mind went on for a few minutes, and then she decided she couldn’t miss her date with Rob, she had to lie to her parents.
    Rachel left her room and headed to find her parents. They were sitting in the living room, sorting through boxes. As she entered the room, her parents stopped and looked up at her.
    “What are you doing down here?” asked her dad.
    “Well, I was going through my homework and then I realized that part of my science homework was to watch an episode of Planet Earth.”
    “You’re grounded. No TV,” her dad replied.
    “But, how will I do my homework? I can’t go in without it and it’s due Monday morning, 3 rd period.”
    Rachel’s mom looked at her, then turned towards her dad and said, “I think we need to make an exception, Dear. She isn’t watching it for pleasure -- it is her homework. We can’t let her grades slip because she is grounded.”
    “What time is it on?” her dad snapped.
    “It starts at 8:30 tonight.”
    Rachel knew that there was a Phillies game on tonight and her parents were huge fans: arguably, their number one fans. She knew that if they were not going out for dinner, they would be sitting in front of the only TV they had in their house, watching the game. They wouldn’t let anything get in the way of their beloved baseball team.
     Rachel knew her plan was working. Here parents looked at each other and looked at the clock hanging in the corner of the room.
    “That will be fine,” said Rachel’s dad.
    “The show is two hours though, is that OK?” she asked, looking at her parents.
    “It shouldn’t be a problem,” her mom interjected. “We’re going out to dinner tonight at 7 o’clock with the new neighbors. They said they might want to go to the movies after, so we probably won’t get home until around then anyway.”
    “Oh, OK,” Rachel said, trying to sound indifferent. She didn’t want them to hear any excitement in her voice.
    Rachel knew that Sarah was still at Skidmore and Mark was having a sleepover with one of his friends so she would have the house all to herself.
    Rachel had done it. Her plan worked. She figured out all the information she needed. She felt a little bad for lying, but she couldn’t think of any other way.
    Rachel headed back upstairs to her room. She looked at her watch. 1:15pm. She checked her phone.
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