Crashing The Concert (Undercover Lust # 2)

Free Crashing The Concert (Undercover Lust # 2) by Nicole Sanchez

Book: Crashing The Concert (Undercover Lust # 2) by Nicole Sanchez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Sanchez
Crashing The Concert
    Previously :
    Scarlet Sinclair is a New York born and raised Police detective that has been assigned to the Metro Gang Unit of the Seattle Police Department . She is in charge of investigating a series of murders that all seem to have one single common thread , there seems to be bikers behind the killings . Scarlet and her boyfriend Rex are both assigned to investigate the Rowdy Rebels Motorcycle Club . The problem , neither one knows about the other . Scarlet goes undercover with the club to try and get an inside knowledge of the goings on . Scarlet has to walk very carefully as to not raise the suspicion of the M . C .
    Scarlet Sinclair was a seasoned Detective that was not easily thrown off her game . What she discovered however at the latest crime scene shocked her to her very core . There was a man and a woman that had been killed . It was not apparent if they had been killed while having sex or were they killed then posed in the position that they were found in . Her partner Aleah Naomi Newsom arrived shortly after she did and just had to comment on the appearance of Scarlet .
    “ Nice outfit was the local BDSM convention in town ?”
    “ Part of the case we ' re working . The c aptain has me undercover trying to get closer to the Rowdy Rebels Motor cycle Club . I was at one of their parties tonight and came straight from the party here . ” “ Besides Aleah what business is it of yours why I am dressed like this ?" Scarlet said with a coy smile as she knew that her partner hated that name and it drove her insane when people called her that .
    “ Real funny Scarlet , after all Tomorrow is another day and you will always have Tara ." This was an apparent dig at Scarlet over her name which she had no problems with , she just wished it was a sexier sounding name than a character from a classic movie . Both women had been placed together as partners by the captain . He felt that the two personalities that they had would contrast perfectly with one another . Scarlet had not been keen on a partner ever since the death of her last partner in New York . He had been killed as part of an undercover drug bust that went terribly wrong as one of the officers that worked with him was a snitch and sold him out to protect his ass . Scarlet had asked the captain for her to be alone and not have a partner . Nonetheless she was stuck with Aleah and at least for the foreseeable future these two were going to be stuck with one another . Aleah was quiet and did not seem to say a lot unless she was spoken to . That was the curse of her , if you crossed her you would quickly learn that she was anything but meek . She was known to punch out other police officers just for making comments about her body . One officer had made an off handed comment about her ass and wound up in the hospital with a crushed testicle after Aleah planted a boot between his legs .
    As usual , there were officers that pretended to be doing something official with the scene . The truth of the matter is that they were newbies and had only been given this assignment as they had more than likely screwed up all other jobs that they had been given . These were not the two from the last scene , these actually looked more pathetic than those did .
    “ Excuse me ladies we are going to need to see some I . D ., this is a crime scene .”
    “ Look here you Barney Fife rejects , I am Det . Scarlet Sinclair and this is my partner Aleah Newsom Here is my badge , now if you two do not let us through , I will rip your balls off and feed them to my Rottweiler for breakfast .”
    Both officers immediately jumped back and looked like they had mixed feelings as to run or piss their pants . Scarlet produced her badge and both the young officers allowed her into the crime scene .
    “ Damn girl , I did not know you had it in you to be that vicious . I thought I was a real ball buster , you have me beat by a mile

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