Free PERFECT by Autumn Jordon

Book: PERFECT by Autumn Jordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Jordon
cold. He had to go. “I
better let you go. Thank you so much for showing me around town, and for
    “It was my
pleasure. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning after the girls get on the school
bus—around eighty-thirty. Is that okay?”
    “Sounds good.” She
lifted her purse onto her lap. “I guess I’ll see you then.”
    She twisted to
undo her seat belt and that’s when it happened.
    The contact of
Dylan’s calloused hand cupping her face sent Darcy’s pulse racing. He drew
closer, his gaze crossing her face. She saw his long, dark lashes lower before
her own eyes drifted closed. His mouth covered hers with the slightest brush,
testing her lack of resistance. Again, his sweet lips swept hers, teasing them
with his tongue. The affirmation of the physical desire they felt for each
other manifested in their kiss and the next and the next.
    His hand wound
into her hair and held her in place.
    Pushing against
the floorboard, she lifted up from her seat, struggling to get closer to him.
Her purse thudded against the floor. She ran her hands through his soft hair
and over his wide shoulders, longing to feel the clean, strong lines of his
body without the obstruction of his bulky coveralls.
    The cab of the
vehicle grew warmer and warmer as each passing second saw them touching one
another. And tasting. The savory mixture of him uniting with her was wonderful.
    Dylan shifted over
the console to get even closer to her and set the vehicle’s horn blaring. They
jumped apart by mere inches, still grasping each other. Realizing what had
happened, they burst into laughter. The rise and fall of his chest matched hers
as their foreheads joined.
    “I’ve wanted to do
that since the moment I saw you last night when you walked into the Grist
    His words had her
dancing inside. Zipper teeth bit into her palms as she gripped his coveralls at
the V opening. “You did? You didn’t even know me,” she said breathlessly.
    “It didn’t
matter.” His eyes shifted to the digital dashboard clock. “Damn. I wish I could
stay, but I really have to go. The bus will be at the house in fifteen
    “I know.” She
heard her body scream, “No. Don’t let him stop.” She had to let him go. He had
    He kissed her
again and then his tongue crossed his lips. “You taste so good.”
    “It’s my grape lip
balm.” Darcy smiled against his lips.
    “I’m sure it’s the
combo.” He kissed her once more and licked his lips again.
    She pushed him
back, knowing if he didn’t stop kissing her, her willpower would break and he’d
be late getting home in time for the girls arrival.
    He moaned.
    “I know, but you
must go,” she purred. “And we’ll see each other tomorrow.”
    “I’ll walk you to
the door.”
    “No. Go. I’m
okay.” Before he could grab her again for another quick kiss, she opened the
door and jumped outside. She grabbed her purse, slammed the door and then
retrieved her shopping bag which contained Tom’s plaid long johns from the back
    As he pulled away,
she waved good bye. When Dylan’s truck rounded the corner and disappeared from
sight, she tucked her arms closer to her body, already missing his warmth. She
stamped her cold feet while making her way up the sidewalk and onto the front
porch. She did need to go shopping for warmer boots and coat. In her present
apparel, tomorrow she’d be a frozen Popsicle helping Dylan decorate the outside
of his brother’s house. Which might not be a bad idea. He could warm her up
    A steamy shower
scene played out in her mind as she unlocked the front door and then jumped,
dropping her package. Tom stood in the foyer waiting and from the amused
twinkle in his blue eyes she knew something humorous was on his mind.
    “What are you
doing here?” She removed her gloves and tucked them into coat pocket before
unbuttoning and shrugging out of it.
    “I decided to take
the night off since I have a guest and

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