Dark Angels MC: Chasing Love (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Free Dark Angels MC: Chasing Love (Motorcycle Club Romance) by Elizabeth Carter

Book: Dark Angels MC: Chasing Love (Motorcycle Club Romance) by Elizabeth Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Carter
Dark Angels MC: Saving Love
    Special Agent Michael Larson lowered the brim on his San Francisco 49ers cap and peered up at the bartender, who was staring at him curiously.
    “Your glass is looking pretty empty there, cowboy,” the bartender said to him cynically. “Can I pour you another one?”
    “Yeah…sure,” Michael said, sliding his glass toward him.
    “Coming right up,” the man replied as he grabbed Michael’s glass and continued to eye him suspiciously, just as he had been ever since Michael walked into the dive and sat down at the bar.  
    Michael had just arrived in the sleepy town of Amber from San Francisco early that afternoon. He was trying to keep a low profile and fit in amongst the town regulars, but even in his low key attire of a cap, tee shirt and jeans, he was sticking out like a sore thumb. Michael’s boss, who was the head of San Francisco’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, had sent him to Amber on a special mission to gather intel on The Dark Angels, a notorious biker gang that had been suspected of running firearms throughout the state of California.
    Michael knew that this was going to be a difficult mission, because the people of Amber were very loyal to The Dark Angels, which in turn meant that The Dark Angels were very good to the people and looked out for them whenever and however they could. Michael would have to be very smart and strategic in gathering enough information in order to take the biker gang down. But judging from the chilly reception he had received around the town thus far, pulling anything out of anyone would be close to impossible.
    As Michael brainstormed different ways in which he could collect intel, the bartender sat his drink down in front of him, then leaned onto the bar and stared directly into his eyes intently. “So what brings you to this quiet little town, cowboy?” he asked him.
    Michael casually picked up his glass and took a long sip of whiskey. Then he sat the glass back down on the bar slowly and looked up at the bartender, staring right back at him directly in the eye. “An ex-girlfriend,” Michael began. “She’s meeting me here to do some research on her family history. She thinks that some of her old ancestors were born and raised in Amber, and she wants to see just how far she can trace back her family history,” he lied expertly, without even batting an eye.
    “Wow, that’s deep…” the bartender said thoughtfully. “But isn’t that something she could just research online, rather than coming here in person?” he probed.
    Michael stared back at the bartender, surprised that he had even thought of such a question. “She already tried that. But the local town library houses a plethora of information that your good townspeople didn’t have the wherewithal to upload onto the internet,” he said without a stutter. “So we’re going to just comb through all those files manually ourselves until we find what she needs.”
    The bartender stood up slowly as he continued to stare down at Michael skeptically. “Okay…” he replied, his tone sounding completely unconvinced. “Well good luck with that.”
    “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Michael said. He drained his glass, left a twenty dollar bill on the bar, then turned around and walked out. All eyes were on him as he headed toward the door. The minute he got outside and climbed inside of his Ford Taurus, he pulled out his cell phone and called his boss.
    “Special Agent Rothman,” his boss barked into the phone.
    “Sir, it’s Agent Larson. I think I’m gonna need some backup out here,” Michael said to him.
    “Backup. In Amber ?” Rothman snorted. “Why would you need backup there? There are only about five people living in the place,” he quipped.
    “I don’t think this job is going to be as easy as we thought,” Michael explained. “These townspeople seem to be really tight. They stick

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