Revenge of the Mad Scientist (Book One: Airship Adventure Chronicles)

Free Revenge of the Mad Scientist (Book One: Airship Adventure Chronicles) by Lara Nance

Book: Revenge of the Mad Scientist (Book One: Airship Adventure Chronicles) by Lara Nance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Nance
Tags: A romantic steampunk adventure
into the gondola.
    In a matter of minutes, the airship rose from the docking area with the crew running around the deck, pulling in lines, and securing them. The captain and pilot stood on the aft deck working on the controls to get the heavy ship in the air and along the path to Eagle’s Peak as quickly as possible.
    “Thank you, Belle,” Benji said as they stood at the rail. The lights of Cross Roads fell behind them. He looked down at the leather box, eyes ablaze with wonder. “I never thought t, t, to own such a thing.”
    She smiled and put a hand on his arm. “It’s a good dagger, Benji. Take care of it. I have a feeling it will come in handy in the days ahead.”
    “I w, w, will,” he said, tucking it under his arm.
    “My Lady, would you care for some tea?”
    She looked around. Jasper stood behind her with her china tea service on a silver tray, resplendent in his butler tails and waistcoat.
    “Why, Jasper, you look better,” she said.
    “Yes, My Lady. The ginger is a miracle. Now I believe you and the young master should be having your tea. I brought the dark Bellaca, your favorite.”
    Belle now realized why Jasper had so much luggage. He had brought along the luxury items he thought she should have as befitted her station. A surge of fondness invaded her heart. Jasper hadn’t needed to come on this treacherous trip, but he was so dedicated to his job that he found a way to join them and bring along the tools of his trade.
    “Yes, of course, Jasper. Tea is exactly what we need. Come along Benji. We’ll go down to the salon.”
    She took a last look at the clouds gathering in the dark sky and the wind picked up, whipping about them. The storm was coming up from the south and she could only hope they made it to Eagle’s Peak before it overtook them. Meanwhile, her father was headed to Harruca with the possibility they would run out of fuel before they reached their destination. She sent up a silent prayer for all of them to make it safely through the next twenty-four hours.

Chapter 5
    Rett turned the wheel and reached up, tugging the muffler away from his face. The temperature had risen enough that he was finally warm. He could feel his toes again and ice no longer crackled in his hair.
    The wind picked up, coming directly from the south and Gambit bucked against the head wind. They made slow progress relying on the fans to fight against the increased current pushing them backwards. The wind whistled through the ropes that attached the gondola to the inflatable and they vibrated against the pressure. Sam made rounds on the main deck, testing lines and checking oil in lanterns.
    “I see the lights,” Sam said as he climbed the stairs to the aftcastle.
    Rett squinted and could just barely make out a glow on the horizon. It had to be the lights of Eagle’s Peak. They were still about half an hour away and the storm rose with wind like a firm hand, pushing them away from their destination. A blast of illumination lit the sky. Lightening, too far away to hear.
    “Yeah, I see them. Is everything tied down?” Rett glanced at his first-mate.
    “We’re as ready as we can be,” Sam replied. “I’ll put in another load of coal and water.”
    Sam opened the hatch to the engine room and lowered himself to stoke the big steam engine for the coming storm.
    A burst of air sent the ship higher and Rett had to hold tight to the wheel to stay upright. Sam cursed accompanied by a clatter of tools.
    “Wind’s picking up,” Rett called. “Better get up here.”
    The glow on the horizon grew closer, but a spit of rain drops hit Rett in the face. A rattle of coal below indicated Sam filled the engine hopper. Then he hurried up the ladder.
    “It’s getting rough,” Sam said as he closed the hatch. “How much longer?”
    “At this rate, maybe fifteen minutes. Let’s hope the wind doesn’t get any worse or we’ll never make it.” Rett inched the power lever forward to add some speed to the fans.

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