One Day It Will Happen

Free One Day It Will Happen by Vanessa Mars

Book: One Day It Will Happen by Vanessa Mars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Mars
Chapter 1
    Approximately 7.2 billion people occupy the world – seven continents and one-hundred ninety-six countries. I live in a world where existence means one thing and being alive meant another—to have someone with you forever and to share love with him through this life’s obstacles. There are so many reasons to believe in love. But for me, love is something that I can't handle. I am Rachel Milan, a single mom and an anti-destiny believer.
    "Come on Zoey, you don't have to be like that! Mom will pick you up at four and we will go to Aunt Sheryl's house, okay?" it was so many years ago when I stopped believing that true love exists. After my world turned out to be doomed when I left the person I loved hanging for nothing. Well, he actually did the same thing. But then again, I received a special person since then, and he recreated my world – my son, Zoey.
    "I just want to go home. I miss Jet and my friends." he mumbled as he looked away from my stare. He was not being a brat, unlike the way he acted that time then we went on our way to his school. It is Zoey's instinct. Perhaps like his father. Of all the things he will inherit from his father, it’s this stubborn behavior! But still, I love my kid – just like I loved his father.
    Six years have been so long for me since I left my hometown. That was about the time when my parents discovered that I was pregnant with Zoey. I tried to hide the truth from them but they found out eventually. Of course they forced me to tell who the father was but I just told them a lie. Another lie that I thought would cover up everything. And besides, I was so scared to tell him – both of us never asked for this. We were so young and we had dreams. I won't let my pregnancy ruin lives – not even mine and the life of my child.
    "Remember, I'll be back here at four okay? Behave. Don't do those tiny whinny tantrums. Do you understand me?" Zoey smiled – it was my antidote for all my past mistakes. After all that happened, being with my son is all that matters. I kissed his forehead and watched as he joined the crowd of kids. He's going to be safe. I know.
    As I walked on my way, someone caught my attention. It was a guy I thought I wouldn't cross paths with anymore.
    "Zeih?" I walked to get a clearer view of his face. But I just got caught in the hobble busy people crossing my path – and I lost my sight of him.
    “What I am thinking?” I told myself. I shouldn’t be looking for him. “No Rachel, you should forget him. Maybe you’re just hallucinating.  I should stop drinking too much coffee.”

Chapter 2
    "What? You saw him?" said Sheryl. She was my best friend since birth, well, proverbially that is. We’ve been best friends for ages.
    "Yeah, I saw him, well, I think I saw him." There was a shock on Sheryl's face when I told him about me seeing Zeih – the guy who didn’t leave a trace – and he was Zoey's father.
    I stooped on the table and now she had put on that ever-so-disgusted look on her face. Her reaction was quite fascinating. She looked like an idiot with her mouth gaping wide open while her eyes bulged.
    "And what did you do?" She asked. All I could do at that point was moan as terribly as I can.
    "If I could go back to that moment, I would slap myself and tell her that I shouldn’t be dumb enough to follow him!" Yes, I followed him. I’m an idiot, but wouldn’t you do the same thing? For a person you haven’t seen for a long time, you would probably be shocked to see him. But I don’t really know if it was really him. Maybe it was just someone who looked like him.
    "So you followed him?! Are you insane?" I noticed a slight frown coming Sheryl. Here comes the tiger mode of hers. That look gives me the chills. It’s like she was going to swallow me completely with that big mouth of hers.
    "I wish I didn't!” I protested as if that would shield me from her later onslaught. “I know.

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