Against the Odds

Free Against the Odds by Brenda Kennedy

Book: Against the Odds by Brenda Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Kennedy
were sent home with her from the hospital. Pelvic rest? What the hell is that? I browse over the pamphlet and now I understand.
Pelvic rest makes sense to prevent pre-term delivery. Especially
since she had that procedure done. I remember when Jamie was born
and sex was off limits for six weeks afterward. No sex in exchange
for a healthy baby is a small sacrifice. I would stand on my head
if it meant my baby would be born to term without
    “ Reading something
interesting?” she asks.  
    “ I am,” I joke. “I’m
reading about pelvic rest and bed rest. Very interesting stuff,
right here.” I wave the instruction sheet in the air for her to
    “ You just can’t get a
break, can you?” 
    “ Why? What do you
    She says, “You need better reading material.
Jamie’s bedtime books and hospital pregnancy instructions. You need
something better to read. Something age and gender
    I look at her and smile. “I like reading
Jamie’s books to you.” 
    “ I know you do, and I love
hearing you read them. I did order some pregnancy books for men for
the shop. I can see if Mom will stop by and get a few of them for
    “ Sounds good. I’m glad you
got some books in for men to read about
    “ Me,
    I fix dinner and Leah and I eat on the couch.
This is unusual for us; we always eat at the dinner table. I did
light a few candles to make it more romantic. Leah laughs because
we are both in our pajamas sitting under a pile of blankets eating
pasta by candlelight. “Ace, are you trying to create a ‘mood?’” she
    I look at her and her big
pregnant belly. Bed rest and pelvic
rest. “No, no mood.” I stand and blow out
the candles. Leah and I have a very active sex life and this will
be hard enough to do without us thinking about it. 
    “ Because for a minute it
looked like you were trying to add some romance to out pajama
    I smile at her as I sit back down on the
makeshift bed on the couch. She knows me too well. “Just trying to
save on the electric bills,” I lie and she laughs. 
    Over the next few days, Leah alternates from
the couch to the bed. I keep some of her books, her laptop, her
cell phone, and her e-reader within her reach. Her Mom and Dad came
over with groceries and snacks and gave me some time to run some
errands. Leah reminds me to take the angel to Jamie’s gravesite and
she also asks me if I’ll get some wildflowers from her for Jamie.
She didn’t need to ask, I would have done that
    “ Will you also stop by the
shop and check on it? Oh, and I’ll call Bethany and have her get
some books ready for you to bring back home.” 
    I walk to the desk and get a pen and a
notebook. I sit down on the coffee table with the pen and tablet in
hand ready to dictate everything she says. “What are you doing?”
she asks.  
    “ Taking orders. Is there
anything else you need or want while I’m away?” 
    “ I’m sorry, am I
    “ No, you’re not, Sweets. I
just want to make sure I don’t forget anything.” 
    “ Would you mind getting
your baby some mint chocolate chip ice cream?” She bats her long
dark eyelashes and places her hand strategically on her pregnant
    I laugh on the inside, although I try to
maintain a straight face on the outside. Leah is cute as hell, but
she doesn’t need to know that I think that about her. “I don’t
think my baby likes mint,” I joke.  
    She laughs and says, “She does. In fact, it’s
her favorite flavor at the moment.” 
    I laugh, too, and say, “At the moment.
Meaning her favorite could be something else next week.” 
    “ Or tomorrow,” she
    “ Mint chocolate chip it
is, then.” 
    I kiss her goodbye and instruct Sue to call
me if anything happens. Sue and I talk about a few things she and
Mom have planned for Leah and for this I need a pen and paper. I
nod and write everything down

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