Salty: A Ghetto Soap Opera (Drama In The Hood)

Free Salty: A Ghetto Soap Opera (Drama In The Hood) by Aleta Williams

Book: Salty: A Ghetto Soap Opera (Drama In The Hood) by Aleta Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aleta Williams
pimp second.
      "Bitch, you think this a game?"
    Sabrina held her hands in a surrender position and shook her head no. She was more in shock then scared. He then looked at Peter.
    "What you had planned with my bitch?"
    Peter’s punk ass was scared as shit and it was written in his voice and on his face. He never did no fighting or shooting. He really didn't have problems. He was a cool cat. Any problems he had Ken would handle them for him. Peter swallowed hard. He stared at the barrel of the gun. Slowly he answered,
    "Nothing. We was going to have a drink. It ain't even like that."
    Old boy then looked back at Sabrina.
    "How much you charge him?"
    "We… We… Charge him, for what?"
    He walked over to Sabrina and Bow: Slapped the shit out of her causing her to fall on her ass. He then kicked her in her right leg.
    “ You think this shit a game?” He scolded her.
    “ Daddy, I’m sorry.” She said.
    He looked at her and frowned.
    "Get up bitch."
    She held her face and continued to sit there on the ground. She was in shock; she was scared to move. When she didn't do as he said, he picked her up by her hair. She let out a light scream.
    "Don't make me fuck you up. Shut your mouth and go get in the truck."
    She wanted to tell him she had to go in the house. She'd been gone for two days. The only reason why her granny hadn’t filled out a missing persons report is because she had been calling her, telling her she was alright.  Sabrina felt in her gut that her fast ways had caught up with her. Her granny was right. She done got herself in some shit she couldn't get out of. Sabrina did as she was told and walked to the truck and got in it.
    I gotta get away from this nigga, but I’m scared. How about he kills me like he said?
    She thought about the night she told him that she wanted to be his, and when he agreed to claim her, he warned her that if she ever gave his pussy away she better get some money for it. He also told her if she ever tried to leave he would kill her. He only let her check in with her granny to keep the police off his back.
    Peter didn't know what to think. He didn't know if he should have remorse for Sabrina or be scared for his life.
    I should have taken my ass in the house. Ken said my dick was going to be the death of me. Shit I pictured dying in some pussy because it was just that good, but not getting killed over it.
    "I'm sorry homey." Peter said.
    Old boy gave Peter a once over. His gear was on point. He then looked in the yard at the 745 and Cadillac truck. Either he had money or he was flossing. Whatever it was, he was going to break bread or get fucked up.
    He looked at Peter.
    "You see that's my bitch. My property. Looking is alright. I see you looking when I dropped her off, and I was cool with that. It’s when you trespass that causes a problem."
    "I never…!"
    The pimp put his hand to his lips to hush Peter.
    "Don’t talk unless you are asked.”
    He looked over at his truck. Sabrina’s lip was fucked up.
    “ Fucking with you, she’s going to be off for two days. You owe me. Point, blank, period. I need three hundred dollars." he told Peter.
    Without hesitation Peter reached in his pocket and pulled out about seven hundred dollars. He went to count out three hundred, but was told to hand it all over. He was going to protest until he saw the look in the pimp/robber/gangster’s face.
    "Here, man." Pete said. "Can a nigga get some head for the extra I threw in?" Pete joked nervously.
    The pimp smiled.
    "As a matter of fact you can." He only agreed for three reasons. One, to prove a point by letting Sabrina know he meant what he said. She belonged to him. Two, to gain a customer. He could tell Pete was weak for pussy. Three, to get inside of Pete’s house to see what he was all about. Maybe Peter will be his next lick. He looked at the truck;

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