Knotted Pleasure

Free Knotted Pleasure by Powerone

Book: Knotted Pleasure by Powerone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Powerone
feeling as though she was peeing, though it was her juices that were gushing onto the cock that continued to pound into her. Every bit of her body was intensified by the orgasm, her muscles clenching uncontrollably, her clit swelling as if it were reaching out for any stimulation. She rotated her hips as much as she could, milking the cock as her orgasm raced through her untrained body.
    Michael saw her bucking beneath him, her face contorted in pleasure. He had made her cum, he smiled widely as the young girl's pussy began to suck the cum from his balls. He struggled to wait until she was finished, but he couldn't. He pulled his cock out of her pussy as her orgasm began to wane. He stroked his cock with his hand, moving closer to her face.
    She didn't understand why he pulled out of her, but then she saw his cock only inches from her face. He was pumping it vigorously.
    NOOO! Nnott on my face!" She heard him moaning loudly, his hand pumping harder. "NNNNO!" She protested loudly, trying to push her 47

    face out of the way, but he continued to draw nearer to climax on her.
    Right on her face.
    Michael watched as the cum boiled up from his balls. It shot through his cock, quivering excitedly as a stream of white, milky cum burst from his cock and landed with a loud plop on the side of her face. She tried to turn away, but he pumped a second spurt of cum that landed on her lip and chin.
    "EEWWW," she cried out in shame as the hot crème burned her skin. It was too much, load after load soiling her complexion, her lips tightly clenched, trying to keep the large drop of cum that was sitting on her lower lip from entering her mouth. He moved closer as he continued to pump his cock, Kiley face to face for the first time with a man's spewing cock. He moved it so close that it banged on her lip, leaving more cum as it continued to gush onto her face, humiliating her. She tried to recoil, but he was on top of her, rubbing his wet, slippery cock on her lips until his cock forced her lips open wide enough for the slippery cum to drip into her mouth. She couldn't resist any longer as the head of his cock pushed the drying cum into her mouth, his cock following until the head sat heavily on her tongue.
    "Lick it clean."
    She heard the humiliating words; her tongue began to run over the slippery head, shamed as she sucked a few more drops from his balls and into her waiting mouth. The cum was so thick, the smell acrid, the salty taste permeating every part of her mouth. All she could hear was her shameful sucking and licking of his cock as she cleaned it.
    He finally pulled free, her lips tight around the head as it pulled out, one last chance to lick the last of the cum from it. When it was free of her mouth, she did what she had to, gulping loudly as she struggled to swallow the thick crème that refused to go down into her belly. She gagged before it finally slipped down, but the taste in her mouth never went away.


Chapter 3
Backdoor Surprise

    Kiley was released from the ropes, but Michael's cock was already rising up to its former self, Kiley knew she wasn't finished satisfying himself with her young body. She feared what he would do to her next, her fears coming true the minute he began to tie her up again.
    Her body was dumped unceremoniously onto her belly, his hand slapping her buttocks. She didn't need a reminder of the way his fingers and tongue had entered her anus. It wasn't that painful when they entered her, just uncomfortable to have something shoved into a hole that was built to only push out. He had two or three fingers inside her, Kiley not sure, all she knew was that her insides had to stretch wide to accommodate him, and they paled in comparison to the size of his cock. He would rip her to shreds if he sodomized her.
    He was surprised when she didn't fight him as he took the ropes that were still tied to her wrists and spread them out to the two farthest corners of the headboard. He arranged her head gently so he

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