A Bitch In Time (Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series)

Free A Bitch In Time (Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series) by Serena Akeroyd

Book: A Bitch In Time (Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series) by Serena Akeroyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Akeroyd
though I feel drugged in the aftermath of my
heaven-sent climax, my lower body tenses slightly in preparation for Nate’s
    He has managed to lodge the
tip of his shaft inside me and my pussy quivers and quakes about it.  His
hiss tells me I need to relax if I’m to accept all of him.  But you
fucking try to let a cock as thick as a can of soda inside you!
    Especially after three months
of abstinence!
    His fingers retreat to my clit
and as sensitive as it is, the faint massage has my pussy fluttering open a
little.  Something he immediately takes advantage of by forging another
inch of hot, thick cock inside me.
    His dexterity, once again,
shocks me.  In a good way. 
    With his natural hand, he’s pinning
one of my legs wide open, by placing his fist against the mattress to support
himself so I can’t lessen the angle.
    My other leg is bent at the
knee and pressed to his chest.  The position gives him stability and
enables him to touch my pussy the way he is.
    Sweat is pouring down his
face.  It’s killing him to go so slow, but he’s doing it for my
sake.  Touched, I bear down and force my pussy to release the taut grip it
has on his shaft.
    He takes it for the invitation
it is and rams deep.  A keening cry escapes me and it isn’t the depth of
his penetration that has my body arching, head pinned to the pillow in reaction
– it’s the breadth.  I’m pulled wide open.  Spread.  The thicker
wedge at the base of his shaft pulls the mouth of my sex, with all its nerve
endings, apart.  I want to push my legs together, force him out.  But
my position won’t let me.
    It’s only here that Nate can
dominate me.  Only between the bedroom walls.  And he does it every
time.  Takes control of me and my body, takes the mantel of power away
from me, until I don’t know who I am any more.
    Split apart by his shaft, I
rock my head from side to side and a frown crosses my brow as I try to
acclimatize myself to the thickness.  It’s hard and I feel a sudden weight
on my bent knee as he leans over and presses a kiss to my scowling forehead.
    “Relax, baby,” he whispers and
rotates his hips.
    The softness of his voice,
that slight wriggle of his cock deep inside has a whimper escaping me. 
Another rotation, then a slight thrust, and the scowl remains but is there for
a different reason.  He’s ignited me again.  Set fire to the dying
embers of my arousal.
    Another kiss to my forehead
and the pressure on my chest abates as he retreats to his earlier
position.  Holding his weight on one hand, he grabs one of my own and
positions it between my legs.
    “Touch yourself, Marina,” he
grits out and the gravel in his voice rakes down my spine. 
    I open my eyes and bridge a
connection with his.  The fire in his depths matches the one ravaging my
body.   As I lower my hand to my pussy, I keep the connection as I
slide my fingers between the lips of my sex.  Rubbing the nubbin, a deep
breath whooshes out of me at the sensation surging through my bloodstream and
on the next inhalation, he pulls out.
    I rub hard, frigging my clit,
knowing he’s going to forge another path inside me.
    And he doesn’t disappoint.
    Flinging my head back, my hips
rock upwards as he thrusts in, deep.  As I play with my clit, he fucks
me.  I try to concentrate on the pleasure flooding through me, but he’s so
damned thick that each thrust is borderline painful.  And sick bitch that
I am, that makes me all the hotter.
    The next time we fuck, I’ll be
prepared.  It’s always tough the first time.  Like my cunt can’t
possibly believe his shaft is so damned huge. 
    The tingles of pleasure
increase and keep me on edge.  I open my eyes, knowing I’m nowhere near
cumming and watch Nate.  His shoulders and biceps are straining, the veins
clearly visible and the tendons at his throat show white through his tanned
skin.  His eyes are hungry, staring at my clit and the fingers I’m using
to tease myself.  He keeps on

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