Trojan Whores
    Master Wang
held Praxis' hands against the bronze flank of the tremendous
    'Feel its
strength, my lord. Feel the line and curve of its mighty muscles.
Master Epeius, the statue maker and pugilist, has built it exactly
as he promised. It is truly an amazing invention. A punishment
device to rival any other in the world. Everyone who sees it is in
awe of its power. Epeius has installed the system of tubes and
stops exactly as he pledged. They run from inside the body into
outlets at its mouth and nostrils. When the victim begins to scream
- and scream he surely will when the fire is lit beneath him - the
screams will issue from the beast in tremendous bellows. Then,
Epeius says, we will call the beast the "infuriated ox". When it
announces its fury, he says, we will think it is enraged and
angered because the gods themselves have torn out its innards.'
shrugged and turned back to Weena, who was shivering at the sight
of the terrifying 'brazen bull'.
    'Not me,
mistress. Please, not me. I could not stand being shut in there. I
could not stand the heat. The sound of its fury. Please, mistress.
Not me.'
    She tugged
harder, squirming to get away. Calliope grabbed her ear and pulled
her forward. 'Follow me, you ridiculous girl,' she said. Weena
scuttled behind. 'I will see if Master Wang has done his job with
you,' Calliope said, with emphasis, so there was no mistaking her
intention to embarrass Praxis' Chinese henchman.
arrived. His princely bearing made Calliope drop back, regretting
her announcement, wanting to return to the tent, to impress
    'Are you
having trouble with one of your pretty maidens?' he asked.
    'No, sire...
yes, sire. She is causing trouble, sire. But it is not of my
making. It is caused by...'
    'But you will
correct the problem, I am sure of that.'
    'Yes, yes, my
lord, I will.'
    'Good. I could
be very pleased by a well-trained maiden such as you have here.
Pleased by the maiden and...' he lifted Calliope's chin,
'...pleased by the trainer.'
    He marched
into the tent. Calliope went out. She stared back at Wang, annoyed
and brimming with anger. She tossed her head back and smiled at the
promise in Achilles' words. She dug her fingers into Weena's
Praxis, what have you here for me today?'
    Praxis swung
round at the sound of Achilles' booming voice.
    'Anything you
please, my lord, anything you desire.'
    'I desire some
distraction. I need some pleasure that will make me forget the
worries of this war. Something that will put the misery of being
stuck here year after year on the Trojan beach to the back of my
    'Then you are
right to visit the tent of Praxis, my lord.' Praxis clapped his
hands together.
    Eva came in.
She was naked except for a leather belt around her waist. She was
fragrant and bathed. Her body was oiled. Her long red hair had been
combed up into a fiery mane. A line of male slaves followed her. In
pairs they carried poles on their shoulders. On each pole was slung
a net, and tightly held inside each net was a captive girl.
    'Who is that
at the head of the line?' asked Achilles.
    'She is the
German noble, Eva. I have offered her some of my favour. She is
splendid, do you not think? Wang tells me she is the most beautiful
woman he has ever seen. He says her head is ablaze with fire. Is he
right, my lord?'
nodded, and Praxis listened for his reply.
    The captives
were paraded once around the tent. Achilles was invited to choose
one. He pointed at the one closest to him. Two slaves ran forward
brandishing knives. They slit the net and the girl fell out.
    She struggled
to get up. Her mouth was filled by a leather ball. It was drawn
tightly into her mouth by thongs tied behind her head. Her wrists
were bound with leather straps. A leather collar encircled her
neck. A leash led from a ring bound into the collar. A slave
grabbed it and tugged.
    'Now, my lord,
you may choose her punishment.'
    'Ah, but what
is her crime?'
    'She has

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