Android Paradox

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Book: Android Paradox by Michael La Ronn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael La Ronn
dangerous,” X said. “Sometimes hackers have bodyguards.”
    “I’m ready,” Shortcut said. He pulled out a small black rod that shot sparks from one end like a Taser. “Besides, you’re my bodyguard.”
    They hurried through the mall, pushing their way through crowds of people and past kiosks with digital lenses for sale, toy stores and open-air restaurants, coffee shops, massage parlors, furniture stores, boutiques and video game stores.
    They took the escalator to the second floor and Shortcut said, “He’s on this floor. Food court.”
    They beelined for the food court, and the smell of food grew stronger as they neared.
    “This is probably a solo job,” Shortcut said. “We’re talking about a pretty sophisticated hacker. Whoever it was, he had incredible skill to modify a black box like that. Hacker’s Law: The more skilled the hacker, the scrawnier he is.”
    “What makes you say that?”
    “Hackers are cowards,” Shortcut said. “Digital vandals. All they’re looking for is money and respect. As much as they try to emulate old-school mobsters, they’re no good at violence. Remember that, X. We can probably rattle him with our words. We might not need our weapons.”
    Shortcut stopped suddenly and grabbed X. “He’s moving. We’ve got to hurry.”
    They ran to a balcony overlooking the food court. X scanned the area, and Shortcut did the same with his lens. There were hundreds of people, and many of them were using digital screens.  
    “What kind of person would activate a bomb and hide in plain view?” Shortcut asked. He studied a woman in a sundress, verified that she didn’t have a criminal background with the UEA, and moved on.  
    “A human with a death wish,” X said.  
    “A suicidal hacker, perhaps. Someone down on their luck who wants to die gloriously?”
    “A criminally insane hacker.”
    “A fool.”
    “In any case, we’re bringing him in alive,” X said. They both settled on the bathroom area, then looked at each other.  
    “You have to be kidding,” Shortcut said. “He’s taking a potty break.”
    X jumped over the balcony and landed in the middle of the food court. Several people screamed.  
    “Wait up!” Shortcut said, running down the escalator.
    A nearby man passing with a tray full of teriyaki noodles spooked and fell backward at X’s landing, spilling teriyaki all over his clothes. He looked up in a daze, saw the food covering his front, and shook his head sadly.
    “Hey!” the man cried. “You could’ve killed me.”
    “Sorry,” X said.
    Shortcut handed the man a debit card with the UEA logo on it. “Sorry about that, dude. We’re on UEA business. I’ll load this card up with fifty bucks. Go buy yourself some new clothes.”
    The man took the card and smiled. “You guys are the best. Whoever you’re after, I hope you catch him.”
    X saluted him and he and Shortcut dashed toward the bathrooms.  
    “Fahrens is going to be pissed about that,” Shortcut said as they ran.  
    “Civilian collateral is the least of his concerns right now.”
    They reached the men’s bathroom door.  
    Shortcut stood in front of the janitor’s closet nearby and hacked into the access panel, opening the door. He grabbed a handful of orange cones and blocked the hallway to the bathroom. Then he created a digital screen with a Do Not Enter sign that said: RESTROOMS IN CLEANING CYCLE. PLEASE USE ANOTHER LOCATION.
    He joined X at the door, admiring his work. Then he looked at the bathroom and whistled as he drew his electric rod. “Well, if I were a criminal, this would be pretty embarrassing.”
    X scanned the bathroom. “There’s no one else inside.” He activated his guns.  
    Shortcut pressed a button on his electric rod and it threw sparks into the air. “I’ll block the escape route.”
    X triggered his mission mode, overlaying the scene with thermal and wireframe. He entered the bathroom, a huge room with twenty urinals and many sinks. The floor was

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