Unhinge Me

Free Unhinge Me by Ann Montgomery

Book: Unhinge Me by Ann Montgomery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Montgomery
they wouldn’t be interrupted again. He walked back to the desk and sat in the chair in front of Alex. She looked so cute all curled up down there. He gave her his hand to help her slide out. As she moved forward and looked up at him, she took Caleb’s breath away. On her knees, hidden halfway under the desk with just a tank top, she looked so sultry. Combined with the red lipstick and her hair pulled back in a ponytail with loose, soft curls, it made Caleb instantly as hard as a rock.
    Alex noticed and a slow smile formed on her face. All thoughts of what she needed to talk to him about were instantly gone and she decided she wanted to try something she had never done before. Ignoring his outstretched hand, she instead slid up between his legs. Slowly, watching his face, she moved her hands up his pants and towards his arousal. His dark jeans were practically ripping trying to restrain his bulge. Alex couldn’t help but be very turned on by it.
    All it had taken was one drunken night with Rachael and some cucumbers for Alex to feel like she knew everything there was to know about blowjobs. Apparently, Rach considered herself an expert, although she said she only reserved them for her actual boyfriends. Casual sex aside, Rachael really wasn’t a complete slut.
    Alex slowly made her way to Caleb’s hardness, rubbing it through the jeans and watching Caleb’s eyes widen as he realized what her intentions were. He started to reach for her and tell her it wasn’t necessary but she held up her hand and stopped him. She took his hands and put them down on the arms of the chair.
    “Stay,” she commanded.
    Caleb froze as she reached down again. She slid her hands up his chest and started unbuttoning his oxford shirt. She undid each button slowly, holding his eyes with hers. When she got to the bottom she threw open the shirt and ran her hands through the scruff of hair on his chest. He had the perfect amount. A small trail ran down the length of him. He didn’t look like a bear, but also didn’t shave. He just looked like a man, a raw, perfect man. The strong muscles on his chest bulged in response to her touch.
    She tweaked his nipples and laughed at the jolt it sent through him. Biting her lip and making sure to touch all of him that she could, she ran her hands down to his happy trail and slipped her thumbs into his pants, running them along the seam. She leaned in closer and put her mouth up to the swelling in his jeans. She breathed hot breath on it, making Caleb moan and grasp the arms of the chair tighter. She moved her mouth up to the button on his jeans and grabbed it with her teeth, ripping it open and smearing red lipstick all over the zipper. Pulling it down, she buried her face in the hair down there, nudging the pants open further with her nose. Reaching in, she stroked him in the confines of his jeans. When her hand touched the sensitive skin on the throbbing muscle, Caleb sucked in his breath. His reaction gave Alex more confidence and she carefully released it from its too tight home and slowly began to stroke and massage him.
    Caleb’s eyes squeeze shut in pleasure and he groaned. She leaned up again and started to kiss him on the lips. He tried to kiss back but, before he could, she moved away and started to kiss his neck and ear. He reached down, desperate to get his hands on her, and slid them under her skirt to grab her ass. When he realized she had nothing on underneath it nearly sent him over the edge.
    “Fuck!” he couldn’t help but say.
    Oh, yeah! Alex remembered, she didn’t put on underwear. She smiled devilishly. Caleb grabbed onto her bare butt cheeks and smashed them in his hands hungrily. Alex made her way down his chest, kissing and licking it as she went. She wanted to prolong the moment as long as she could, so she nuzzled and kissed all around his hardness while he waited with bated breath. Finally, she grabbed the base, put her lips to the tip, and kissed it. A little dew drop sat

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