Fly Up into the Night Air

Free Fly Up into the Night Air by John Houser

Book: Fly Up into the Night Air by John Houser Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Houser
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, gay romance, Courtroom Drama
there are many such crimes committed in the area. Am I to believe that the town council has suddenly determined Dock Street's citizens worthy of protection?"
    "I am pursuing this case on my own authority."
    Soloni's eyebrows rose. "That is perhaps even more improbable. What did this boy do to so grasp your interest?"
    Harte straightened his neckcloth. "Nothing. I made a promise, that's all."
    "To whom?"
    "Another boy, the one who was beaten. He died this morning."
    Soloni narrowed his eyes. "I see. I suppose that kind of promise is not easily broken by one such as yourself."
    Harte tugged at one sleeve, impatiently. "What do you mean, one such as myself?"
    "There is no need to be offended. I meant to compliment you."
    "Why do you care what I want with the boy?"
    "Mr. Walford. While we may do it imperfectly, we try to protect our own here." Saloni stared at Harte, his expression uncompromising. "And while I discourage young men of Peli's age from coming here, I understand their need to do so. They are part of our family."
    "Then you know who I am looking for."
    "Yes, I expect my staff to report to me such matters as concern our little community. Word of your first visit eventually make its way to me. Unfortunately, it did not do so until after you had departed, or I might have saved Peli the trouble of speaking with you, or should I say, the trouble of being seen speaking to you."
    "He saw the beating. I would have had to speak to him."
    Soloni smiled gently and placed an ankle on one knee. "Quite. Perhaps you would be interested to hear that there may have been other witnesses. Some of them might actually know the man who did the beating."
    "I would speak to them."
    "Yes, but would they speak to you? I think not. They are older and wiser than Peli."
    "Perhaps. But somebody must talk, if I am to present the case to court."
    "Do you really think it wise to pursue such a case? What good can come of it? Any accusation is likely to result in more attention to this community than it wants. I confess, I'm having difficulty ascertaining your motivation for such a course of action. Have you some grudge against this man?"
    Harte looked up at the carving on the beam above the couch, which depicted a pair of nude hunters pursuing a herd of deer. They ran in a crouched position as if reading a trail and carried spears over their shoulders. "Isn't what he did to Raf enough?"
    Soloni sighed. Uncrossing his legs, he leaned forward. "Perhaps I have become too cynical. If Peli were to come into your keeping, what would you do with him?"
    "Sister Grace of the Sisters of Mercy Hospital has expressed a strong interest in protecting him."
    "Sister Grace. Oh dear."
    "Do you know her?"
    Soloni closed his eyes. "We have had occasion to be ... allies. We do, after all, share some of the same goals, although our methods tend to be rather different. She can be somewhat rigid." He opened his eyes to regard Harte. "Are you certain the boy would thrive under her care?"
    "My friend, Griff, vouches for her. I believe she is tolerant. It was she who brought Raf to my attention."
    "Really! Now that's interesting. Perhaps I have misjudged Sister Grace." Soloni stood up. "I will consider what to do about Peli."
    Harte remained seated. "I believe you know who beat Raf. Will you not tell me?"
    Soloni dropped his head to one side and looked down at Harte. "Would you have me betray my own commitments, so that you might honor yours? I think you must discover him for yourself."
    "What commitment could you have to protect this man?"
    Soloni tossed his head impatiently, dark hair flying. "You really are impossible."
    "The man stamped on Raf's genitals with hobnailed boots." Harte rose slowly. "Have you no guidance for me?"
    Soloni winced. "You defeat me. I will do this: if you tell me what you find, I will, if I may, confirm or deny it. That is all I will do."
    "That, and tell me where I can find Peli."
    Soloni threw up his hands. "Sir, I must rest. You exhaust

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