The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

Free The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women by Victoria Lawson, Lois Hodges, Nellie Cross, Bonnie Robles, Evelyn Hunt, Monica Austin, Emma Bishop, Kim Wilkerson, Lori Dixon, Carla Burke

Book: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women by Victoria Lawson, Lois Hodges, Nellie Cross, Bonnie Robles, Evelyn Hunt, Monica Austin, Emma Bishop, Kim Wilkerson, Lori Dixon, Carla Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Lawson, Lois Hodges, Nellie Cross, Bonnie Robles, Evelyn Hunt, Monica Austin, Emma Bishop, Kim Wilkerson, Lori Dixon, Carla Burke
    “Not at all,” he said, looking down on her with tenderness mingled with lust. “But I want tonight to be about pleasing you.”
    He took her hand and helped her stand, then kissed her again. Electricity flowed through her as the raw energy of him filled her with an aching need. His fingers lifted her skirt and finding her panties, gave them a teasing tug.
    “These will need to go,” he cooed, and in a moment Kristi saw her pale blue lace boy shorts tossed aside in the pale light.
    Without any further words, Mark turned her around until she faced the ocean. He took her hands and placed them on the rail so that she was bent slightly at the waist. The cool breeze now served as a salve against the heat which was building inside of her. But she was thankful that she still had her dress on; public exhibitionism wasn’t her thing either.
    She knew he was going to have her from behind and was ripe with need, but Mark made no move to make love to her. Rather, she heard him shift his weight and then felt his soft touch on her ankles. A momentary fear that he meant to toss her over the rail onto the beach below was almost immediately allayed by the most exquisite sensation she had ever felt.
    With an apparent random mix of light touches with his fingers, butterfly kisses, and simple blown air, Mark worked his way up and down her smooth legs from ankle to hip. The result was divine and Kristi felt her heart race just from his touch. She rolled one ankle out a bit to give his tools – those wonderful lips and fingers – room to work her inner thighs should Mark be so inclined.
    And he was, of course. Kristi felt her legs begin to shake uncontrollably. She’d never been literally handled in this way before and it was definitely something she could get accustomed too.
    “Mark,” she moaned, no longer caring how needy or cloying she sounded. “Have me. You…. Have….. me.”
    He ran his fingers again from the strap on her sling-backs all the way up to her skirt, but this time pushed it up over her rear. The feeling swelled with her and Kristi could feel her bosom swell against her now tight bra.
    When he entered her she gasped and her knees buckled slightly at the sensation that it brought her. She felt him, but definitely not painfully so and even somehow this felt right. Being bent over beachside by a man she barely knew - but wanted to know better.
    Between the added height that her heels gave her and the angle she was bent at, the experience was more than pleasurable. She could tell that Mark was working hard to control himself and drive her to pinnacles of excitement she’d not climbed before. His pace was slow but not deliberate, though at no time did he settle into one speed.
    It was a variety that was driving her just a bit wild. Most of her lovers had been, like her, rather young, and perhaps a bit prone to skip the foreplay and most of the sex too, for that matter. But this was something different entirely. She could feel things building inside of her, things which rarely came along without her own help.
    She ran her right hand down to her sex, finding it swollen and damp. She teased herself lightly with her fingertips, timing herself with Mark’s rhythm. With a gasp she felt the waves of passion begin to not only grow but crest inside her. With a sudden shiver, she climaxed and softly moaned Mark’s name.
    With a final prolonged thrust she felt Mark’s climax, which was no doubt brought on by her own. It filled her still further as his breathing became ragged and hoarse, his hands still firmly holding her hips against him.
    He started to pull out of her but a quick quip telling him not to from her kept him inside for just a bit longer.
    As they both began to breathe easier as they came off their communal ecstasy, Kristi could feel Mark beginning to go limp, and finally but still grudgingly let him slide out. She would never admit it to

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