The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

Free The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women by Victoria Lawson, Lois Hodges, Nellie Cross, Bonnie Robles, Evelyn Hunt, Monica Austin, Emma Bishop, Kim Wilkerson, Lori Dixon, Carla Burke Page A

Book: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 17: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women by Victoria Lawson, Lois Hodges, Nellie Cross, Bonnie Robles, Evelyn Hunt, Monica Austin, Emma Bishop, Kim Wilkerson, Lori Dixon, Carla Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Lawson, Lois Hodges, Nellie Cross, Bonnie Robles, Evelyn Hunt, Monica Austin, Emma Bishop, Kim Wilkerson, Lori Dixon, Carla Burke
anyone but herself, but it was that first entry and last exit which for her were the most titillating aspects of the sexual act.
    "You didn't even let me get out of my dress, you horny dog," Kristi said. Somehow once she'd been with a man lots of her self imposed barriers in terms of what she would and would not say suddenly fell by the wayside.
    "OK," Mark comically smirked, "Next time you can take everything off. And hopefully that wasn't a complaint!"
    "Who said anything about a next time?" she said, all the while hoping he knew she would definitely be up for another roll in the hay later. At least as long as the gentlemanly opening wasn't just a ploy for a booty call. Of course, saying this to a man who'd just driven her wild and didn't appear to be kinky at all was easy. And he was, after all, still just about naked and showing his jewels off for the world to see.
    At least for now, she was the world. She smiled at the thought.
    He offered to let her take a shower before she left, but she declined, thinking that might be just too much for a first date. She cleaned herself up a bit in his bathroom and with a final deep kiss asked him to take her back to her car.
    The ride back was uneventful, and when they got back to the now deserted parking lot, she gave him a peck on the cheek and thanked him for a great a memorable night.
    "Call me," she said as she shut the door to her car.
    "Count on it," he answered as he wandered back to his Lexus.
    Kristi spent the next days waiting for a call, and almost immediately began wondering if she had done something to offend him. Although she knew that she didn't know if Mark was "the one" yet, she still would like to see him again. Things had been good, right? Had she simply failed some sort of test and gone too far too fast? She could always call him, but she'd never been that forward of a woman.
    Finally, on the fourth day, a dazzling bouquet of roses was delivered to her house. Kristi was beaming from ear to ear as she shut the door, with an unbridled excitement. She could only imagine what the note would say!
    She read the note and a warm flush spread over her face as she read it again. She'd forgotten about the business trip Mark said he was going on the morning after their date. All was immediately forgiven.
    But suddenly Kristi had a thought, and it wasn't a good one. She hadn't given Mark her address, had she? In fact, she remembered that she'd gone to great lengths to avoid doing that.
    So how had he gotten her address? And knowing that, how should she respond? The card with the flowers said he would call her when he returned, which was tomorrow. Egad!
    After spending the rest of the day pondering how to actually figure out how Mark had gotten her home address Kristi decided that the best thing was simply to ask him. Perhaps she had given it to him after all. She had been drinking a bit, right?
    The next day he did call her, but she hesitated after seeing his name on the caller ID. Oddly, she'd made his profile picture a heart, which was yet another uncharacteristically juvenile response.
    With a deliberation which, unbeknownst to Mark, spoke volumes of the trepidation with which it was asked, Kristi asked how he came by her address. The key, or at least so she'd though going into this, was to play it rather nonchalantly and just see what he came back with.
    Mark's response was not what she'd hoped for.
    After all of her worry, she had been right after all. She hadn't given out her address as some result of being a bit buzzed during their date. Mark hadn't seen her wallet lying open and simply copied it down, which would have been slightly understandable, but still a gross violation of her privacy. Rather, Mark had simply just discretely followed her home from the coffee shop to make sure she got home safely.
    With more than a little consternation, Kristi found herself declining his offer for

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