His to Keep: A Billionaire Romance (His to Have Book 3)

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Book: His to Keep: A Billionaire Romance (His to Have Book 3) by Piper Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Hayes
almost as bad with Damien. I couldn’t sleep last night because all I could think about was what would happen if I ever let anything happen to you. “We’re butting heads about how to deal with Jacob,” I finally tell her. “But none of that matters right now,” I add. I walk over and wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a long, slow kiss. I wish I could hold her like this forever.
    “I love you,” I tell her when our lips finally part.  
    “I love you too,” she whispers. She brushes her hand against the side of my face. “You look tired,” she says. “Is everything ok?”
    I nod my head and kiss her again, the warmth of her soft lips. As long as she’s in my arms, everything is right.



    My father calls on Wednesday morning. Blake is at work, and I’ve got the apartment to myself. “I’ve arranged everything for Friday. Jacob will be at my house at noon. Can you arrange the rest?
    “Of course,” I tell him. “You’re really going through with this?” I ask.
    “Like I told you, I’m doing this for you,” he says. “If I get a little enjoyment out of it along the way, that’s fine too.”
    “I’ll see you then,” I tell him. Now I just have to convince Ben that this plan is worth pursuing.
    “You’re roping us all into this one, aren’t you?”
    “See you on Friday, dad,” I say. After I hang up, I try to think back to the last time I ended a call with my father with a smile.  
    A few moments later, I call Ben. “I’ve got Jacob,” I tell him. “I’ve got him, or I will if you agree to help.”  
    “Does Blake know about this yet?” Ben asks.  
    “No, and he can’t,” I tell him.  
    “It will take a little legwork, but I’ll get the necessary paperwork done.”
    “I’ll pick you up in the morning, and we’ll head up together?” Ben asks.  
    “Do you even own a car?” I ask.  
    “Company car,” he says. “It will get the job done.”  
    “I’ll make sure we park it somewhere Jacob won’t see it.”
    “It doesn’t say FBI on the side, Cat,” Ben says.  
    “It probably won’t say Ferrari either,” I tell him. “I could always ask to borrow Blake’s car. A Porsche would fit in nicely. I think he gets a kick out of me driving it.”
    “Even if I’m your passenger?” he asks. “You don’t have to be there, you know. I can bring a tech and lead your father through everything myself.”
    “I need to do this for Blake,” I tell him.
    “See you on Friday morning,” Ben says. “I’ll find my way to you.”
    I hang up and walk around the apartment. I find my way to the home office, and I stare up at the bookshelves. I think back to everything Blake and I have been through since we started dating. I grab my phone and call him.  
    “I was just going to call,” he says. “I was wondering if you could come in.”
    “To the office?” I ask.
    “There’s something I want to show you,” he says.
    “If it’s another tour of your office, I might have to accept.”  
    “It’s a surprise,” he says.
    “What kind of surprise?” I ask.  
    “A good one,” he says. “Do you think you could make it down this way for lunch?”
    I look at my reflection in the window. My hair doesn’t look too bad. “I can be there in an hour,” I tell him.  
    “It’s a date.”
    I run to the bedroom and start changing. It’s funny that I care about making a good impression with Blake’s employees. I could show up in a burlap sack, it wouldn’t change a thing about my ownership stake in the company. I pick a black dress, slip on flats and apply makeup.
    When I get to Blake’s office, his secretary tells me that he’s waiting in the conference room. I thank her and head over.  
    He’s sitting at the head of the conference table. In front of him is a little blue box. Tiffany blue. It’s got a silver bow. My heart skips a beat when I wonder for a second if it’s a ring. I tell myself that it can’t be a ring. It’s entirely

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