Loving Lily

Free Loving Lily by Marie E. Blossom

Book: Loving Lily by Marie E. Blossom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie E. Blossom
waves of it
take her.
    Several long
moments later, Matt chuckled into her neck.   They were still locked together, sweaty skin glued
together.   Her hips ached from how
tightly she'd clenched her legs around him and she let them fall open, wincing
slightly as the tingling in her toes reminded her that she wasn't twenty
    "What's so
funny?" she asked, stroking a hand up his back.
    "I don't
think I've ever come that long and hard in my life . " He kissed under her ear, then groaned and flipped onto his back.   Cool air rushed over Lily.   After a few minutes, he took off the condom, then padded to the bathroom and back again with a washcloth.   He carefully cleaned her up, his touch
so light and gentle she found herself blinking back tears.
    What is
wrong with me? she wondered, shivering.   Matt pulled up the
covers, spreading them over the two of them.
    She snuggled
into his warmth.   "I don't think I
have, either," she said belatedly, knowing it was true.   She'd enjoyed sex with Jack, but it hadn't
been anything like this.   She licked her
lips, suddenly unsettled.   Since when had
she become the kind of woman who would make love like that? Since you met
Matt and he swept you off your feet, literally , she told herself.
    "You're so
sweet," he murmured, against her shoulder.
    She ran her
fingers through his hair.   "So are
you," she whispered, closing her eyes, not wanting to wrestle with her
brain all night long.   You can figure
it all out in the morning , she thought, letting her body settle into Matt's.   Soon enough, sleep came, washing all her
worries away.

    Chapter Five
    Matt woke up,
heart pounding.   Where was he? He didn't
move, trying to figure out where he was and why he'd woken up before doing
anything that might give away his position.   That thought itself woke him up even more.   Had he heard
    You're in a
room at Betsy's.   You're with Lily.   You're not in the Navy any more, sailor, he told himself.   Even so, he
didn't relax.   Lily slept deeply, face
mashed into the pillow.   He could just
make out the line of her shoulder in the dark, nude and soft above the covers.   Vulnerable.   He frowned.
    He heard a
rattle near the window and he tensed even more.   He looked at the door, glad he'd instinctively
put himself on this side of the bed.   Any
intruders would have to come through him to get to Lily.   He didn't see anyone, but that didn't mean
anything.   He was sure now there were men
trying to get in.   If they were any good
at their job, Matt wouldn't see them coming.
    He rolled out
of the bed, crouching near the floor.   The only way out was through the door across
the room.   The bathroom had no windows
and had obviously been a later addition to the old house.   He didn't want to go through the inn and put
Betsy’s other guests at risk.   He'd just
have to be ready for whatever happened and hope his skills were enough to
protect Lily.   Knowing she was in bed
made his blood run cold.   These people
could only be here for her.   The fear
cleared his head even more and he clenched his fists, waiting.   When the door crashed in, he was ready.
    He moved
silently, taking out one man with a punch to the side of the head before he
even knew Matt was there.
    "Lily, get
down," he barked, shoving the second man's hand up.   The gun fell, rattling into the dresser, but
Matt ignored it, already moving.   A
second later he had the guy down in a headlock.   He put pressure on the man's artery, squeezing
hard.   He breathed a sigh of relief when
he went limp.
Matt said, standing up.   "Are you
What the fuck just happened?" She flicked on the light.
    "No, turn
it off," he said, not wanting anyone outside to see them.   "Two men broke in.   There may be more.   We have to get out of here. "
    She flicked off
the lamp.   "Are they dead?"
There was a rustling sound.
    Good, she's
getting dressed, he thought.   "No," he said

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