Risking It All

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Book: Risking It All by Ambrielle Kirk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ambrielle Kirk
about eight months ago in Florida. With the right people on my crew, I think I can fair pretty well. Basically, I can either flip and sell a home or flip and generate rental income from that home. There’s no going wrong with either.”
    “May I start you guys off with some drinks or appetizers?” The waitress had interrupted their conversation.
    Quinton looked at her.
    She smiled. “I’ll have a White Russian.”
    “Hennessey and Coke, please.” Quinton said . “ What about a s ushi sampler for an appetizer?”
    When the waitress was gone, they were quiet for a while. Julissa was looking at the lighted candles in front of them and listening to the music, which had suddenly gone from hip hop to slow romantic jazz.
    “Julissa, my business plan includes you.”
    “Q, you hardly know me. We only met for the first time this past Thursday and by the end of this week, you’ll be on your way back to Florida.”
    “I want to get to know you, Julissa. I know that our circumstances may not allow us to…well, for me to get to know you in the context that I’ m thinking about, but…”
    “In what context were you thinking about, Q?” She dared herself not to make eye contact with him.
    “In the context of a relationship. I would like to go out on a couple of dates with you, like now, and we can get to know each other.”
    Julissa looked him in the eyes. “This is not a date.” What was she thinking when she agreed to come here with him? She should not be here ri g ht now.
    “Quinton, I don’t think we should…I mean, I — .” Julissa shook her head. She was at a loss for words. What did she mean? What did she think? There was no way that she could date Quinton while in a relationship with Michael. She was far from a player. She was not Shanice, who played men like a game of chess .
    Quinton reached out and grabbed her hands which had been folded t ightly on her lap. He rubbed her palm with his fingers until the tensi on and tightness there were no more.
    Julissa didn’ t pull away. It felt too good.
    “ I’m going to cut to the chase. I’m not going to pretend that I’m not feeling you. I am extremely attracted to you. In a way that I have never been attracted to any woman and I barely know you. I know you think that I’m trying to pull a fast one , but believe it or not I want you more than you know.”
    “You’ re just ignoring the fact that I’ m already invo lved,” Julissa whispered .
    Quinton’s face was merely inches from hers. “I’m not ignoring anything. Right now, I could care less about your relationship and I know it’s selfish. But, I want you so bad that I will be with you however I can.” He interlaced his fingers with hers.
    “Are you suggesting that I be unfaithful t o my boyfriend?” How could he blatantly suggest that she cheat o n her boyfriend to be with him?
    “Julissa, I think you would have turned me down from the beginning if you were not interested in me. The fact that I needed your help looking for a property only made it okay for you to see me. Would you have seen me if I had just asked you outright?”
    Julissa was a little embarrassed that Quinton had just figured her out. His words were the truth. Of all the guys who had pursued her while she was still with Michael, she turned them down without hesitation. No one could measure up to Michael. And that’s what she thought until Quinton came along. That’s wha t made the whole thing so scary. S he barely knew this man and th e feelings— sex ual and emotional— she felt was a first for her.
    “Yes, I would have. If you had asked me outright…I would have.” Julissa couldn’t believe she had just said that.
    Quinton breathed a sigh of relief. It was a happy sigh of relief. “So, what do we do now?”
    She swallowed.
    “Look, I would never intentionally come in between what you have going with Michael. Not now, at least. But, I think we should be able to get to know each other more and…and…if

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