Risking It All

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Book: Risking It All by Ambrielle Kirk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ambrielle Kirk
it is meant to be then…”
    “Then what?”
    Quinton lifted his free hand and ran it through her hair. “Then I would want you for myself.”
    Julissa closed her eyes when his hands rested on the back of her neck, sending shivers up and down her spine.
    “You are s o tempting, Julissa, and I want you right now to myself.”
    “I want — ”
    The waitress interrupted their intimate moment by clearing her throat to ann ounce her presence, and then placed both drinks down on the table . Another waiter came over and place d a plate of sushi, bowls, and chopsticks in front of them. They both managed small talk while enjoying the sushi, but Julissa couldn’t help but replay the entire confession that Quinton made in her head over and over again.
    After dinner and dessert, Quinton drove them back to the hotel and walked her back to her car. She wanted it and there was nothing she could do to make her body ignore the feelings inside. How much was she willing to risk to find out if she and Quinton were meant to be? How much of her current relationship would she put on the line? How much trouble could she stay out of with Michael before possibly being exposed?
    “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Quinton was still in the doorway, as if not wanting her to leave.
    The kiss he gave her on the hand befor e closing the door seal ed their deal ...the deal that could cost her everything .
    The next morning, she was in the office preparing the contract offer that Quinton had plac ed on the property. As she looked across the table at Quinton, s he hoped that the reason for his sudden business adventure and plan to move to Atlanta was not because of her only. She needed to tell Quinton that she couldn’t promise him anything, especially where Michael was involved.
    “Should I cross my fingers and hope for the best,” Quinton smiled, tapping the pen on the conference table looking at her.
    “ This is a pretty good offer. If it comes back unaccepted , we’ll just be prepared to negotiate a little.”
    Julissa got up and placed the contract face down on the fax machine. They both watched as the fax went through.
    “By the way, I got that second job offer that I was looking for. I have about a week to accept.”
    “ Wow. Congratulations.” Julissa smiled. “ You seem hesitant, though.”
    “Not at all. I’m only hesitant about going back home to pack and then hauling all my stuff up here. Luckily some of the guys are coming down to support me and help pack.”
    “It’s been over a year since I last moved, but I have to agree…it is a hassle.”
    “Are you living with your boyfr iend?” Quinton asked out of the blue.
    Julissa nodded. “You seem shocked.”
    “No, just that…I thought…you aren’t married or anything, so I didn’t expect…anyway, it doesn’t matter.” Q uinton mumbled .
    “Well, that’s pretty much all we can do for now. ” Julissa turned away from the fax. “If I hear anything, I’ ll call you immediately.”
    It was time for Quinton to go. She wasn’ t about to converse with him at her place of employment with her nosey boss, Martha, within earshot, in the next office.
    When Quinton arrived at the office, Julissa didn’t know if the women in the office were staring because he was drop-dead gorgeous or that he was oddly intrigued with Julissa, or both. The point was, there were curious ears right outside her door.
    Quinton got up and she walked him out the door. This time, he noticed several smiles from some of the nosey women peering over their cubicles as he passed by.
    “I’ll call you if I hear anything, Mr. Brennan,” Julissa spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear her.
    “I will be waiting for your call, Ms. Lorenzo,” Quinton shot back at her, smiling.
    Julissa wanted to giggle at the sound of being called by her last name by someone she was clearly on a first name basis with, but she decided against it. It would look too suspicious.

Chapter Five

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