Risking It All

Free Risking It All by Ambrielle Kirk

Book: Risking It All by Ambrielle Kirk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ambrielle Kirk
    When they arrived, the server confirmed their reservations and seated them at a booth table near the back of the restaurant. The atmosphere was calm and the lights were dimly lit with light R&B and Jazz music playing in the background. As they were taking their seats, Quinton did the weirdest thing…or at least she thought it was weird. Instead of sitting in the booth seat facing her, Quinton sat on the same side with her. In all her twenty seven years and many dates with other men including Michael, none had ever been as unique as Quinton was now proving to be.
    The waitress gave them menus and left.
    “This place has an i mpressive drink menu. I was here last Sunday and ha d a hard time making up my mind. ” Quinton held the menu up in front of him and looked as if he was contemplating hard about what he wanted to drink.
    “So, you seem to be making it around Atlanta on your own just fine.”
    “Well, Ed, Tracey, and Leroy invited me out for a drink. Ed and Tracey are my cousins. Leroy is one of Richard’s friends. Besides out for drinks every now and then, we haven’t really been anywhere.”
    “How is it that you are the only one out of your cousins who don’t live in Georgia?”
    “I did live in Atlanta with my mother and father when I was younger. We went to the same middle school together until it was time for my family to relocate to Florida. We visited often for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the family reunions, but it was always back to Florida after that. I think I’m beginning to fall in love with Atlanta all over again.” He stole a glance a t her .
    “But you have your business and career back in Florida. That’s why I don’t understand why you want to purchase property here .” Julissa shook her head.
    “You sound just like Jake, my banker. Actually, that’s part of what I wanted to share with you tonight. I’m thinking about moving back to Atlanta. Permanently. ” Quinton paused, maybe waiting for her to comment. “I’ve had a lot of time to th ink about some things while here over the past few weeks.”
    “But, what about your properties there? What about your job?”
    “Those properties are well managed by the company that I hire to do that job. I make most major decisions, yes, but those decisions never required me to live in Florida for the long term. Also, there are some tempting job positions here in Atlanta that will be will ing to hire me at much more than what I’m being paid now as a computer programmer.”
    Julissa wondered what actually made up his mind about moving to Atlanta indefinitely. Was it really the real estate market? Was it real ly the higher paying positions?
    “But how are you so sure that you will get a position?”
    “I’ve been on three interviews so far. I’ve already been offered one. The benefits are a bit lacking, so if I accept I’ll have to negotiate a bit on the suggested salary. ”
    “I see. I guess you understand that you’re taking a big risk.”
    “I do.” He nodded. “I still have my rental income to fall back on in Florida if the job offers don’t go well here. I also plan on taking a different approach to my current hobby. Instead of managing so many properties at once, I plan on doing something a little different. ”
    Quinton was smiling, so she figured he must have already thought this through and the odds were in his favor.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Have you ever heard of investors buying properties that are in need of major repairs or renovations? These investors buy properties well below market value, flip these properties, and sell them for a hefty profit. That is the direction that I plan on going with my business .”
    Julissa smiled. Quinton was a smart man. She liked that. Smart, successful, obviously financially stable, and a true entrepreneur. “I think you have a good idea going there. Have you ever done anything like that before? ”
    Quinton nodded. “I assisted a colleague of mine on a project before

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