Sadie Was A Lady

Free Sadie Was A Lady by Joan Jonker

Book: Sadie Was A Lady by Joan Jonker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Jonker
Surely yer can get as many kisses as yer want from yer girlfriend?’
    ‘Let’s just say I like a variety, eh? Yer know what they say about variety being the spice of life.’
    ‘If yer don’t put a move on yer’ll be losing yer girlfriend and then yer’ll have no variety.’
    Harry took her hands in his before dropping a light kiss on her lips.
    ‘That was just a taster to get meself warmed up for the big one. And while I’m building meself up for the main event, can I ask if it’s two for the price of one again this week? Will yer meet me on Wednesday again?’
    ‘It’s your money, Harry, and although I think yer’ve got a screw loose spending it on me, I’m not goin’ to stop yer.’ Sadie’s mind was on a pair of shoes she badly needed. The old pair were nearly dropping off her feet and spoiling the effect of her new clothes. And it was Harry’s sixpences that were getting her the things she wanted. ‘I’ll meet yer here on Wednesday.’
    ‘Move that paper out of the way.’ Florrie Young waited until her son had folded the News of the World , then she set his breakfast before him. ‘Get that down yer.’
    Harry eyed the bacon, egg and black pudding with relish. ‘Mmm, that looks good, Mam.’
    ‘I want me head testing, givin’ yer a breakfast this late – it’s nearly dinner-time. Yer a lazy article, sleeping till eleven on a Sunday. Most people have been to Mass and back by now.’
    Her husband, Jack, came through from the kitchen drying his hands. ‘Yer Mam’s got you and me down for the fires of hell, son. She reckons we’ll never see the pearly gates.’
    Harry reached for a piece of bread. ‘D’yer think Mr Watson from number six will make it to heaven, Mam? He goes to Mass every Sunday morning as regular as clockwork. And just as regularly he beats his wife up every Saturday night after he’s had a bellyful of ale. If he makes it to the pearly gates, and I don’t, then there ain’t no justice. What do you think, Dad?’
    Jack picked up the paper and made for his favourite chair. He was a well-made man, tall and muscular. He and his son were very alike in looks and temperament, with their dark curly hair, dimpled cheeks and an easygoing manner. ‘I agree with yer, son. That Norman Watson is a real bad ’un. He’s a bully and a blackguard. I’m used to bad language on the docks, but some of the things he comes out with make me cringe. I’m surprised the church doesn’t fall down on top of him.’
    Florrie was clasping and unclasping her hands as she watched her husband bury his head in the paper and her son concentrate on his breakfast. She was a good-looking woman, with a girlish figure, laughing hazel eyes, a good complexion and a happy disposition. The one disappointment in her life was only having the two boys. She would have dearly loved a daughter, but after Paul was born she was told she would never have any more children. Paul, who had gone out to one of his mates, was two years younger than Harry, and in looks he favoured his mother. He also had her sense of humour, and when the two of them got together there was bound to be laughter.
    ‘What are yer thinking about, Mam?’ Harry asked. ‘Yer miles away.’
    Now is the time to get it off me chest, Florrie told herself. But how to find the right words without starting an argument? ‘I’ve been told yer were seen talking to Sadie Wilson, is that right?’
    Harry laid his knife and fork down and pushed the empty plate to one side. ‘Is that a crime, Mam?’
    ‘It all depends. There’s no harm in talking to the girl, but I wouldn’t like yer to be seeing her.’
    ‘That’s a funny thing to say, isn’t it, Mam? Yer don’t mind me talking to her but yer don’t want me to see her! What should I do, take a blindfold out with me in case I bump into her?’
    ‘You know what I mean, so there’s no need to be funny. All I’m asking is, are yer seein’ the girl?’
    ‘Mam! She lives next door, I could hardly miss

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