The Catalyst of Corruption (The Final Formula Series, Book 4)

Free The Catalyst of Corruption (The Final Formula Series, Book 4) by Becca Andre

Book: The Catalyst of Corruption (The Final Formula Series, Book 4) by Becca Andre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Andre
seats if Elysia was still here.
    â€œTrue. He’s nearly as tall as Rowan.” Era started for the auditorium. “Elysia is probably back at the box by now.”
    â€œDonovan would be really helpful in this situation.” I followed behind her, glad I had her to blaze the trail through the crowd.
    â€œAbsolutely.” She gave me a quick grin over her shoulder. “I told you that you should have gone with higher heels.”
    â€œThat’s not even—”
    We stepped into the hall and came face to face with Doug. I was about to make a speak-of-the-devil quip, but his frown stopped me.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?” I asked.
    He didn’t look at me, his eyes scanning the crowded foyer. “I felt a portal open.”

Chapter 5
    I stared at Doug. “A portal?” Goosebumps coated my arms as I remembered the man I glimpsed earlier. “Where’s James?”
    â€œI don’t know why he would open a portal here.”
    â€œI wasn’t suggesting it was him.”
    Doug stopped scanning the foyer to frown at me. “Where’s Elysia? I thought she was with you.”
    â€œShe went to the concession stand. She hasn’t returned to the box?”
    I rubbed the back of my neck and stared into the crowd.
    â€œWhat is it?” Doug asked.
    â€œA few minutes ago, I saw a blond man. For a second, I thought it was you.”
    Doug’s frown deepened. “Where did he go?”
    â€œI lost him in the crowd.”
    â€œShow me?”
    I pointed and Doug took a step in that direction. I caught his arm. “If a portal opened, it could be Alexander.”
    â€œHe’s no longer a threat to me.” Doug patted my hand, and I removed it from his sleeve, letting him walk off.
    Era immediately started after him, giving me no choice but to follow.
    Doug moved through the crowd with ease. Maybe it was his size or his angry expression, but people seemed to get out of his way before he had to ask.
    We reached the far side of the room in no time, but I saw no trace of the blond man I had seen earlier.
    â€œSo where—” I didn’t get to finish my question as Doug abruptly spun away from us.
    â€œHey!” Doug called out.
    Then I saw James, only yards away and moving quickly in the direction we had been headed.
    Doug hurried to him and we followed. “Was that you?”
    â€œNo.” James didn’t seem to require an explanation. He turned away to continue his search, but Doug stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
    â€œWhat if it’s Alexander or Neil?”
    â€œThen I’ll deal with them. I’m following Elysia.”
    â€œYou saw her?” I asked.
    â€œYes, but she’s now out of range.” His eyes met mine, and I could see the faint glow. He had seen her soul. That particular aspect of his vision wasn’t limited by walls or physical barriers, just distance.
    â€œIt’s a huge building with multiple floors,” Era said.
    â€œTrue,” Doug said. “We’ll search for her together.” He directed the last part of his statement at James.
    James eyed him a moment, then to my surprise, nodded. “She was moving that way.” He gestured toward a hall barricaded by a velvet rope.
    â€œWhy?” I asked. “That part of the building isn’t even open.
    â€œWhat if it’s the ghosts?” Era asked. “She said they were bothering her.”
    â€œShit,” James muttered. “If she’s been possessed—”
    â€œShe’s a necromancer,” Doug said. “She can’t be possessed unless…”
    James said nothing, he just held his gaze.
    â€œShit,” Doug repeated. “What if she opened the portal?”
    â€œI was watching her when I felt it. She was following that hall.”
    â€œIf you follow it,” Era said, “it will take you to a set of stairs that lead to the ballroom. That’s where the

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