Hero: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Free Hero: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Lara Swann

Book: Hero: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Lara Swann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Swann
    “How about near Lexington Avenue? I go there pretty often for my Dad’s vet group, so no one would question it…there’s a motel we could use - Sammy’s Inn.”
    His gaze flickered at the mention of my Dad’s group, but then he frowned, raising one eyebrow.
    “You want to meet in a seedy motel? Really? The Inter-Continental is nearby, that would work better.”
    Anger flashed again and I looked pointedly at the decadent furnishings around us.
    “I know who pays for this, remember? And I’m not going to be part of that.”
    I caught the surprise on his face as the accusation hit him, before that impassive expression came down again. I met his hard gaze without wavering and after a moment he sighed.
    “Alright - The Oriental then. Valentini knows the owner, no one pays for the rooms.”
    I thought for a moment, but gave in and nodded - it wasn’t the four-star nature I was opposed to after all.
    He turned to leave, and on the way out shot me a look over his shoulder. I was surprised to see the wry smile there.
    “Who knows, Lottie. Maybe you’ll be alright - you negotiate a hell of a lot better than Jorge, at least.”
    He disappeared before I could respond, and I found myself staring out of the doorway he’d left through for the second time in two nights, my mind trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

Chapter Six
    “You don’t disappoint, Jason. I give you a difficult gang negotiation to navigate - and you give me the boss’s girl?! ”
    She’s not his girl.
    The protective echo of her claim reared up unexpectedly at the words, but I ignored it - Valentini wouldn’t care. His laugh echoed in the large hotel room as he slapped my back, genuinely pleased.
    I’d had to get through a healthy dose of skepticism and suspicion first, but it seemed like he’d finally been convinced enough to start thinking through the implications - and enjoy them. Before he could get distracted, I interjected the one condition of mine - regardless of whether she seemed indifferent to it.
    “I want you to give her your protection Valentini- the full works, if she needs it. This is a big deal, and she knows the danger of the game she’s playing.”
    It was the least I could do about the black stain on my conscience.
    He eyed me briefly, but the grin broke out and he clapped me on the shoulder again.
    “I can do that. Something goes wrong, she’ll be taken care of.”
    A pause, and then his gaze sharpened.
    “I take it you’re planning on running this yourself?”
    The odd note in his voice caught at my attention, but I kept my response as bland as usual.
    She had been my contact, so linking her into someone else didn’t make much sense.
    Neither does the strange discomfort you feel about that idea…
    “You sure you want to do that, Jason? You’ve always stayed clear of this sort of op.”
    My eyes flicked to his in surprise, and I didn’t like the caution I saw there. Or the reminder of my own concerns.
    Regardless, I didn’t take the time to process it - hesitation would have been the wrong response.
    “Makes sense for it to be me, Valentini. Besides which, I’m not sure how willing she’d be to link up with someone else.”
    I’d already thought about that, and about how the last thing I wanted was to have some naive girl relying on me to protect her - especially considering the dangerous way she was already affecting me. But her information was too tempting, and…I didn’t want to leave it to Valentini.
    I knew how ruthless the mafia boss could be, and he had little reason to want me to actually find Xero - if that happened, I was gone, and he knew it. I couldn’t quite believe he’d block me, after everything, but…the doubt was enough.
    Lottie was my source, and I wanted that information directly.
    He raised an eyebrow at my response, distracted from his initial concern.
    “Demanding source, is she?”
    I couldn’t help the quirk of my mouth, and turned

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