One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

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Book: One Ride (The Hellions Ride) by Chelsea Camaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron
gears gives a slight shift of his leg.  Each subtle change draws me into him more.  As we accelerate, the bike comes to life beneath me.  The wind against my face feels like wild abandonment.  Even through my clothes, the bikes vibrations radiate to my core tingling through my body, making me aware of the freedom in this moment.  The quiet around us as the miles go by.  The steady rhythm of the bike is calming to my soul. 
    I’ve ridden with my dad more times than I can count.  I have my own Harley Davidson Sportster.  Driving itself is liberating.  It’s a feeling of fierce independence.  Never in my life did I imagine anything feeling better than that.  Until now.  This is home, this is peace, and this is how it’s supposed to be. 
    I’ve never had ol’ lady aspirations.  I’m a Hellion, with or without being tied to a brother.  In this moment, it’s not about being an ol’ lady; it’s about being one with your man, being one with the road, and being one with your bike.  It’s about being one with the ride.  This is a moment of clarity for me, as I realize why women want to be ol’ ladies.  They have this one moment, where they have a connection, and later make a commitment.  All to live for that one moment, one connection, one commitment, and one ride. 

    Usually bitches are crawling all over me when they climb on my bike.  Not Doll, she looks for a way to support herself.  The bike we’re on is not mine; rather, it’s a club bike.  Had I known Doll would be riding with me, I would’ve taken the time to install a sissy bar.  We would still be close but at least she would have somewhere to rest her back.
    As she leans into the curves with me, it’s easy to get lost in the ride.  Her arms wrapped around me, one of her hands tight against my heart.  Her chest up against my back as the steady rise and fall of her breathing lets me know she’s relaxed and comfortable.  The loud rumble of the engine, the power of the bike under me, and the softness of a woman behind me is all consuming.  Life is not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.  This is one of those moments.  For this one moment, everything feels right in a way that it never has before. 
    Without thinking, I reach my left hand down and gently squeeze her thigh.  Never before, have I felt the desire to connect with anyone.  She relaxes further into me.  Her left hand begins tracing circles over my heart.  Every minute ticking by feels intimate in a way I’ve never experienced before.  My chest constricts at the thought of being close to someone.  I don’t live the lifestyle for that.  Protect Doll, yes, I will.  Beyond that, she’s off limits.  Putting those thoughts back into perspective, I quickly remove my hand from her thigh and back to my handlebar. 
    Feeling me tense and pull on the throttle to accelerate us further, Doll stills her hand and tightens behind me.  She feels the sting of the rejection I just dished out.  Perceptive, just like her father; I’ll be quick to remember that as well.  I’ve got a job to do, and a very serious one at that.  My boys rely on me to keep them safe and out of jail, given the nature of our business.  For me, this task feels so much more, I can’t explain it, but on a deeper level, this ride feels like it’s everything.


    On Our Way

    At the condo, I stuff a backpack quickly.  Knowing Tripp and I shared a moment on the bike, entices me to pack my pretty panties, just in case.  Even if Tripp remains honorable to the fact that I’m Roundman’s daughter, I still deserve to feel sexy.
    Does the man have to be so honorable though?  Seriously, I get it.  I’m Roundman’s Doll.  I’m so far off limits, I’m on another planet.  It doesn’t mean I plan to make it easy for him.  He’s hot.   Any red blooded woman would want a sample of him.  Daddy doesn’t need to know about one

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