One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

Free One Ride (The Hellions Ride) by Chelsea Camaron

Book: One Ride (The Hellions Ride) by Chelsea Camaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron
room.  Having six grown men in the small space is cramped.  Tension coursing through each of us is filling the room and sending everyone’s adrenaline into overdrive. 
    “Are you fucking questioning me, Tripp?  Because I know you’re not stupid enough to question me.”  Roundman states, the tension is rolling off him in waves.  The room is suddenly feeling even smaller.
    “I’m not questioning sending the girls on a ride.  I thought you’d want me and Rex to work on Delatorre.”
    “No, I need our daughters kept safe.  They’ve both got a knack for not only running their mouths, but also sticking their noses where they don’t belong.  The last thing I need to worry about right now is Doll and Sass.  I trust you and Rex to keep them safe.  Tank here, would be too busy fucking Savannah to stay on task.  As for the rest of us, those girls have us all wrapped around their little fingers, and won’t listen like they need to.  They’ve gotta keep their mouths shut and stay out of trouble.  You two are my best options.”  Roundman says firmly, while Danza is giving Tank the death glare.
    Tank coughs at the mention of fucking Sass.  Roundman is perceptive.  Does he see the way his daughter winds me up?  Every minute that ticks by, I feel the walls closing in.  Danza has yet to remove his eyes from Tank. 
    Pulling an envelope out of the drawer, Roundman walks over to me.  Toe to toe, I stand taller than him, but he’s no less intimidating. 
    “Keep them safe.  Don’t fuck around, Tripp. She’s a beautiful girl.  Hellion or not, you fuck over my kid, I will feed you your balls for breakfast.  She’s off limits.  Sass is off limits.   Got it?”
    “Got it.”  Taking the envelope, that I know is full of money, I hand it to Rex for safe keeping. 
    Roundman is in his safe.  He comes out with a sealed, letter sized envelope. 
    “This stays on you Tripp, and only you.  Map out your travels, head to Broadus, Montana.  When you get to the Shifter’s compound, go see Dyson.  You know the Shifter’s Pack.  Keep yourself and those two broads in check.  We’re fuckin’ good with ‘em, and we’re gonna stay fuckin’ good with ‘em.  They’re a strong affiliate, and I don’t want any disrespect whatsoever between our clubs, understood?  This envelope is important for the Blackout transport, and they’re expecting it.”
    “Got it.”  I reply, what else is there to say? 
    There’s a lot to this ride and it’s going to require every bit of my focus and attention to the details around us.  Roundman sits behind his desk as we work with Tank on the details of our route.  After two hours, everything is ready.  We exit the small office to the front lobby.  Leaving Tank to deal with a very pissed off Danza, a stressed out Roundman, and Frisco, who I have a feeling, may find Tank’s situation funny.
    “Alright, let’s go darlin’,” I say to Doll as I stride out the door of the building. 
    One ride together.  Go across the country and back.  One ride to get her out of my system for good.  One ride to keep her safe.  Our one ride begins now. 


    One Ride Begins

    My dad insists my car stay at the office.  Hell, getting him to let me pack my own bag is about as much compromise as Roundman is willing to give.  He wants me to let a prospect go pack my bag.  Really?  How could he want a fucking prospect all up in my panty drawer?   That is so not happening.  Now, I’m in the front of my office getting ready to ride bitch on Tripp’s bike.  Butterflies are taking over my stomach.  I’ve only ever ridden with my dad or driven myself. 
    “Wait just a fucking minute.”  I hear Tank roar, as he’s storming outside. 
    My nervous energy is now full blown anxiety.  Shit is going down.  I’m in danger from a women beatin’ criminal.  My dad is going to kill Delatorre, I know it.  To add to that, Tank is storming around.  And fucking great,

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