One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

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Book: One Ride (The Hellions Ride) by Chelsea Camaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron
Danza and my dad are close behind him, yelling. 
    “Get your ass back in the office.  I’m not done with you, Tank.  You fuck her over, I’m gonna have your balls, mother fucker.  That’s my daughter!”  Danza yells, charging at Tank.
    Tank halts and turns to face Danza.  “Let me say goodbye, then you can have my fucking balls, Danza.” 
    Sass is standing there, helmet in hand, and a blank stare on her face.  Tank pulls her into him.  He’s tucked her into his chest with his chin resting on her head.  I can hear him as he’s talking to her.
    “Savannah, don’t be sassy.  This is serious.  Stay safe, don’t run your mouth.  This is all so you can come home.”  And with that he releases her and walks quickly back into the office. 
    Tears in her eyes, she looks over to her dad.  His hard stance and face, letting his feelings on the situation be known.
    “It’s not like that, Daddy.  Leave him alone.  He’s my friend, that’s all.  I promise you on everything I am, I’m not with one of the brothers, and especially not Tank.”  Her voice is void of emotion, making it clear, she is done. 
    Tank slumps slightly at her words.  Does he have unspoken feelings?  Or is it because Danza knows and will have his balls regardless?
    Her tone affirms her recent decision.  My Savannah Mae “Sass” Perchton no longer wants the life we grew up in.  I don’t know what that means for this ride.  Hell, I don’t know what it means for the future.  What I do know, is when my best friend looks her dad in the eyes and says Tank is just her friend, that’s the truth.  Whatever feelings she may have had are gone.  Whatever possibilities could have been, no longer exist.  Tank is and always has been important to her.  The opportunity of a future for them to build something together is gone.  I have no doubts she cares for him, as he does for her.  They both realize they can’t be together for different reasons and, on different terms, they have come to know and accept this. 
    Danza shakes his head and runs his fingers through his long brown hair.  In this moment, his age shows, the worry lines crease his brow, and the twinkle in his eye now full of distress. 
    “Okay, Sass.  I’ll let him be, on your word that there’s nothing there.  Baby girl, listen to Tripp and Rex, stay outta trouble and keep your fucking mouth shut.”  With that he turns around and goes back inside. 
    My dad is leaning inside the doorframe watching me.  I mouth the words, ‘I love you, Daddy’.  He nods his head in acknowledgement.  I put the half shell helmet on my head.  Looking over, Savannah has dropped in behind Rex.  Tripp is on his bike, engine started, the unique tick of the Harley Davidson engine rumbling all around me.  He has no sissy bar.  This is going to make for an even closer ride than I’m used to.  I place my hand on his shoulder.   He watches me intently as I swing my leg over and settle in behind him.
    My jean clad legs leave little wiggle room as I try to find my place.  Typically, I could use the sissy bar to push back against and give myself some space.  Having nothing but Tripp, I lean into him as I push my weight into my butt and downwards onto the foot pegs.  I settle my hands gently on his hips.  Apparently, he can sense my unease, or my weight differential is not comfortable to him because he grabs my hands one at a time and pulls me up against him.  My chest now firmly against his back.  My head is resting on his shoulder.  My thighs wrapped tightly to him as the vibration of the bike radiates up my core.  He’s brought my hands up to cradle his chest.  I couldn’t get any closer if I wanted to.  This is by far the most erotic moment I’ve had on a bike ever, and we haven’t moved yet. 
    He releases the brake slowly and gently turns the throttle.  With a calm and controlled thrust we take off out of the parking lot.  The movement of his foot as he changes

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