Back to You

Free Back to You by Annie Brewer

Book: Back to You by Annie Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Brewer
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
told me
in class today. Or maybe it was yesterday. I’m feeling a little
confused at the moment.” I walk back to my room and plop on my
    “ You bitch! How could you
tell on me? What the Hell did I do to you? Now I can’t go to this
awesome party this weekend! Dammit Abby! I hate you!” Well, I
didn’t expect that. Sarah comes storming in my room accusations
flying out of her mouth. But what the Hell, she already thinks I’m
a horrible person. I guess I won’t correct her.
    “ Sorry, mom deserved to
    “ Are you serious? You’re
not going to tell me how ridiculous I’m acting or tell me that you
didn’t do it? Shit, you really are a bitch!”
    “ And you need to get a
grip! You’re the one causing problems, making mom worry. And doing
drugs to “fit in” and I have to be the grown up and then set you
straight! Besides, this party is not for kids your age. You’re
always acting older than you are. Start hanging out with your own
    “ Is this about Lucas?”
What? Don’t go there. I just want to strangle her. It has nothing
to do with him. Well, maybe a little. But even though I didn’t tell
on her, I’m glad my mom knows. It’s time she faces the consequences
of her actions. God, I sound like I’m wise beyond my years. She
huffs and storms out of my room slamming the door. Good, get out.
    “ You’re such a shitty
sister!” I hear her yell from outside the door.
    “Right back at ya babe!” I taunt.
    My mom opens the door, looking afright.
    “ I guess she found you
huh?” I laugh and nod my head stretching out on my bed.
    “ I’m sorry Abby. She’ll
get over it.”
    “ I’m not worried about it
mom. She needs to learn to act her age and quit being a little
shit.” She sits down on my bed and bites her bottom lip.
    “ Yeah, I hate to say
you’re right.”
    “ So how’s Lucas?” She
steers the conversation in the wrong direction.
    “ How should I know? Why
don’t you ask Sarah?” Thinking about Lucas’s lips on my sisters’ is
a disturbing thought. I shudder and my mom notices.
    “ Are you avoiding him
since that dream you had?” She raises a brow. Ha ha. I should not
have confided in her, she’ll never forget it.
    “ Not exactly, but
    “ That makes no sense but I
will take that as a yes.” She gets up to leave then sits back down
patting my arm in a tenderly gesture.
    “ Maybe it’s better this
way.” I wish it were that simple. God do I wish. She leaves and I
tuck myself in my blankets.
    Walking the halls, I check each corner to
make sure Lucas is no where in sight.
    “ Looking for someone?” I
jump at the sound of Brooke’s voice from behind me.
    “ God, don’t do that! And
    “ Oh yeah, you don’t look
like you’re looking for anyone. Nope, silly me.”
    “ Ha ha. Cut the
    “ Still hiding from Lucas?”
I stare straight ahead, and then to the left and right. Then I
glance back at Brooke.
    “ I’m not hiding. Just
keeping my distance. Oh by the way, my sister hates me. Yay.” I say
it sarcastically but a part of me feels guilty for being so
nonchalant about it. I didn’t want her to hate me per se. I just
want her to quit being such a trouble maker. Maybe she’ll forgive
me one day.
    “ Why? What happened?” She
asks as we stand by Brooke’s locker.
    “ She got in trouble for
the drug thing and thinks I told my mom. She is grounded and can’t
go to the party so she blames me.”
    “ Huh. And why didn’t you
bother telling her it wasn’t you who snitched?”
    “ She wouldn’t believe me
even if I did. She thinks I’m out to get her or something.” I start
looking toward the end of the hall and spot Lucas coming toward us.
I stiffen and Brooke notices what I’m looking at.
    “ I gotta go. See you at
lunch.” She nods and I walk in the opposite direction but not
before I get a glance at Lucas looking at me. Our eyes lock for a
split second but I hurry off to class.
    “ Okay, so this party

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