Back to You

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Book: Back to You by Annie Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Brewer
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
like the talk of the town.” Brady sits next to me with his tray of
food. I start eating then glance at the lunch line and see Sarah,
Haley..Lucas. Shit. I look down at my food, inspecting something
that’s not there and refuse to look anywhere else. Brooke nudges my
shoulder, and I nudge her back.
    “ Not now Brooke.” I
whisper loud enough for her to hear but low so Brady doesn’t notice
and think we are sharing secrets. He’d pry.
    “ So, what do you think?” I
glance up at Brady with a “deer caught in headlights” expression on
my face. Brooke lets out a chuckle and I elbow her.
    “ What did you
    “ I was asking if I should
go shopping for some new clothes for the party.” What is he a girl?
Seriously, what guy goes out and buys new clothes for a party,
    “ What’s her name?” Now he
has the “deer caught in headlights” look.
    “ Who?”
    “ This girl you’re trying
to impress. Who is she?” I couldn’t believe I was spouting out
these questions. But I couldn’t stop myself.
    “ You can’t tell me you’re
not trying to impress some chick. What guy goes out and buys new
clothes for a friggin’ party, which will eventually get puked all
over, or beer spilled on by the end of the night?” His eyes were
wide with shock.
    “ Wow, Abby!” Brooke was
stunned and I probably should have shut up long before I got to
this point. I glance over at Sarah who is sitting at a table on the
other side of the cafeteria.
    “ Wow, Abby thanks for
making me look like a prick. You know cheating is not my thing. And
FYI, I’m not Lucas. I actually care about my appearance.” Whoa,
where did that come from? And has he not seen Lucas? That boy can
    “ So, how did Lucas get
into this equation? And he..nevermind.” I finally shut my mouth
before I say the wrong thing and kick myself for it
    I glance at the table and see Lucas staring
straight at me. Shit. My cheeks flush.
    “ Sorry, I didn’t mean
anything. It was stupid to ask that. Just forget it please. Go
ahead and buy something nice or whatever.” I go back to eating my
salad but it suddenly tastes bland.
    “ Look I didn’t mean what I
said either. I just thought it would be nice to look good for you.
Even if I got beer spilled all over it, and I wouldn’t be puking on
it so no worries there. Besides I don’t ever puke from drinking too
much.” Ha, there’s a first time for everything.
    “ There’s a first time for
everything.” Did I just say that? No it was Brooke. It’s like she
can read my mind. I can’t help but crack a smile.
    ‘Well, I’m out. See you later.” He kisses me
on the forehead. I let out a sigh of relief.
    “ Okay so what the Hell was
that? Seriously, Abby are you trying to draw too much suspicion?” I
shake my head and look at her.
    “ I’m not sure what came
over me. I’m as stunned as you were. I guess it was just weird that
he would want to go all out for this party. He’s never been all
crazy about the other parties. And then he brings Lucas into
    “ Yeah, I laughed at that.
I mean he obviously hasn’t seen Lucas. Damn that boy can dress.” I
    “ Yeah I agree. Well let’s
talk about something else now.”
    “ You mean how he’s staring
at you right now?” I look back at the table, at Lucas and sure
enough we lock gazes. This time we keep our eyes locked,
transfixed. I see a slight smile tug at the corner of his mouth and
I blush.
    “ Uh, Abby you might want
to tone down on the lovesick puppy look before people notice. You
know, just a little advice you might want to take.” I barely hear
her and keep my eyes fixated on his stare. It’s like we’re sharing
our own private secret. I get elbowed in the ribcage which brings
my attention away from Lucas.
    “ Do you mind?” She fixes
me an annoyed look and I lean into her.
    “ Sorry, God I need to get
a grip. Okay I think I’m done here.” I get up and pick up my tray.
I grab Brooke’s tray as well

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