Back to You

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Book: Back to You by Annie Brewer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Brewer
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
and dump them in the trash. I walk
back to the table and sit down.
    “ I’m about ready to leave.
I need to get out of here, feeling a little stuffy in
    “ Oh it’s stuffy in here
    “ Ha ha. I’m so glad you’re
enjoying this.” I get up to leave and she follows suit.
    “ Oh but I am. It’s quite
entertaining from my standpoint.” We walk out of the cafeteria back
to our lockers. I grab books for my next class.
    “ I’m going to the bathroom
and freshen up before the bell rings.” I say as I shut my
    “ Okay. Well then
    “ Abby.” I freeze at his
voice, sexy and low. God, this is not happening. I keep walking
like I didn’t hear him. I hear his footsteps trudging behind me and
my heart speeds up.
    “ Abby wait.”
    “ Not now Lucas, gotta go.”
I say over my shoulder, while not slowing my pace. Then I run to
the bathroom before he catches me.
    Over the next couple of days, it is the same
routine. I walk the halls, wary of any Lucas sightings. Brooke
still gives me Hell enjoying my displeasure and cracking jokes.
Then we sit at lunch, eat and I sit in a daze and once in awhile
glance in Lucas’ direction. We don’t run into each other but I can
sense that he probably won’t give up too easily. Brady and I go
shopping, for him. He buys new clothes and I pretend I’m enjoying
the trip to the mall. But really, I hate the mall. I hate the
crowds and spending money. I hate it all.
    “ Babe, what do you think?”
I glance at him and smile at his choices and mostly say stuff like
“Oh gorgeous. Beautiful. Really sexy.” But I’m actually picturing
Lucas in them. I’m so going to Hell. Then we eat at the food court
and he asks what’s new. Seriously? He doesn’t want to know. I just
tell him how excited I am about the party and hanging out with him,
oh and the whole drug issue with Sarah.
    “ Why didn’t you tell her
the truth?” He asks as he’s chowing down on Chinese food. I’m not a
big fan.
    “ Well, because no matter
what I say she’s convinced I’m this horrible shitty sister and I
guess I will continue to let her think that. It’s not worth it,
she’s always right.”
    “ That’s bull shit! But I
guess one thing’s true, once she has her mind set there’s no
changing it.” So true. We leave the mall, finally after he’s got a
few outfits. It’s almost time for the party and I go home to
    “ Ugh, I really hate you
right now.” Sarah announces at the doorway of the bathroom as I’m
applying my makeup.
    “ I’m sorry to hear
    “ Whatever. Have fun at
your party.” She storms off and slams her bedroom door. She is so
    “ Come on, it’s time to go.
We’ve got to pick up Brooke.” I put the last touches on my makeup
and smooth down my hands over my silky skirt. Satisfied, I grab my
purse and give a quick peck on my mother’s cheek.
    “ Have fun sweetheart. Oh
you look lovely. You kids be careful.” I wave to her and head out
the door.

Chapter 10
    We pull up in front of a house that sits
atop a hill. It only takes 30 minutes to get here but we go through
the country side and mountains. I marvel at the scenery. It’s so
breathtaking. We get out of the car and I stare at the view before
me. The house is of Victorian style, gated with a beautiful yard
and a wrap around porch. Jesus, these people must be loaded. But
what catches my eye is the view overlooking the mountains. I almost
stop breathing.
    “ OH. MY GOD.” Brady stops
next to me, also speechless.
    “ Wow, this is gorgeous!
How I wish I’d lived here.” Brooke is the only one with words. We
walk to the porch through the gate. I have the feeling the security
system is shut off for this occasion, it let us right in. Brady
knocks on the door. We stand there and wait for someone to open it.
I’m feeling giddy, ready for a few drinks. Finally, the door swings
open and a very drunk Eric is standing on the other side of
    “ Hey

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