Andrea Pickens - [Lessons in Love 01]

Free Andrea Pickens - [Lessons in Love 01] by The Defiant Governess

Book: Andrea Pickens - [Lessons in Love 01] by The Defiant Governess Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Defiant Governess
by one of the grooms.
    She was also happy to see that Peter showed no hesitation or last-minute nerves as Henry lifted him into the saddle. There was only a look of anticipation on his face. Jane too, felt caught up in the same mood. Lost in her own reveries, she barely took notice of the spirited banter between Henry and Peter. It was only with a start that she realized they had arrived at the fair. They halted near a large paddock where the riding competition would be held. She guided her horse next to Peter's and, leaning over, she put her hand over one of his small ones. She looked into his eyes and smiled, then gave him a squeeze.
    He smiled back at her.
    She dismounted, leaving her horse and Peter in Henry's care, and walked toward the crowd of people milling around the rough stage erected for the fair. It should be no trouble to find Lord Saybrook—she had already seen the big black stallion tethered away from the other horses.
    Indeed it was no trouble at all. A quick glance showed the top of his brushed beaver hat towering above the group of local squires with whom he was engaged. She noted the lazy way he leaned against the stage, his carved whip tapping his polished boot as if to punctuate his boredom as he listened to the conversation. Now and then he would smile faintly and reply to some comment, but for the most part he stood silent, aloof.
    A rustling at the podium indicated that the local parson was preparing to deliver his little speech, so the group of gentry began to drift away from the stage to take up position with the rest of the crowd. Jane took the opportunity to approach Lord Saybrook.
    "Excuse me, my lord." She stepped directly in his path so he was obliged to stop.
    "Ah, Miss... Langley." It was said as if he was struggling to remember just who she was. He gave her a pointed look, taking in her dowdy gown, unflattering bonnet and most particularly the spectacles perched on her nose. "Pray, what is it?"
    Despite herself, Jane felt a flush of embarrassment steal over her in response to his scrutiny. It quickly turned to anger. Damn the man , she fumed. How did he always manage to irritate her so quickly? But remembering her purpose, she reined in her temper and spoke.
    "It is your ward, Peter, sir. He is to ride in the children's competition."
    Saybrook's eyebrow shot up. "You must be joking, Miss Langley. Peter is terrified of horses."
    " Was ," corrected Jane, a little more sharply than she intended. "Peter was terrified of horses, as was only natural. But he has overcome his fear. It would be... very much appreciated if you would be present to watch him."
    A portly gentleman with wispy grey hair and a reddened face that bespoke of too much claret was gesturing at Saybrook with the tip of his gold chased cane. Beside him, two ladies looking dreadfully out of place in the latest London fashions added their smiles to the gentleman's entreaties.
    Saybrook nodded his greetings. "Thank you, Miss Langley. Now, if you will excuse me." He turned and walked to meet the other group.
    Jane could barely restrain from directing a kick at his well-tailored rump. Dismissed again in such an insolent manner! Well, at least she had accomplished her task. It was really of no consequence how he treated her as long as Peter was happy.
    The parson had begun to speak and she remained where she was, casting a sideways look every so often at Saybrook and his friends. After exchanging pleasantries, he had graceful stepped into the proffered space between the two ladies. On second glance one of them appeared much other than the other. Mother and daughter , she guessed. Or mother, daughter and father she added to herself. No doubt they were angling after the marquess, judging from the effusive smiles and simpering manner of the ladies. With his title and lands he would be quite a catch on the Marriage Mart. The fact that he had been abroad for so long accounted for the fact that she had not known who he was.
    Her thoughts were

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