Tequila Sunrise (Last Call #3)

Free Tequila Sunrise (Last Call #3) by Moira Rogers

Book: Tequila Sunrise (Last Call #3) by Moira Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira Rogers
Tags: Werewolf
    Werewolf looking for a dominant.

    Kieran scanned the floor at Last Call and
wondered, not for the first time, which of the men in the crowd
would be the one to fuck his girlfriend.
    Next to him, Eve argued with the bartender,
her voice husky and nervous. “I’m not discounting tradition. I just
wonder about the symbolism.”
    “ You’d have to ask the
owner, ma’am. But it’s a drink with layers. A top and a
    Eve’s cheeks heated, and Kieran heard the
way her heart raced even over the loud music and the noise from the
dance floor. “Oh.”
    “ Do you want to order
    The flashing lights hurt his eyes, and the
music was loud enough to rattle even normal eardrums. His
supersensitive ones were starting to question the wisdom of coming
to the club.
    Still, it had taken him the better part of
six months to convince Eve to come with him, and he wasn’t going to
leave without getting what he’d come for. So he turned and glanced
at the menu in Eve’s trembling hand. “The Sunrise means you’re
looking for a top, right?” At the bartender’s nod, Kieran pulled
out his wallet. “What’s your name?”
    It must have been an odd request, because
the man fidgeted a little. “Bernie.”
    “ Well, Bernie.” He pulled
out his gold card and held it out between two fingers, trying to
ignore the way Eve held herself rigidly at his side. “We’ll need
    The bartender glanced at Eve, whose
breathing had turned a little unsteady, before turning his
attention back to Kieran. “You don’t need two unless you’re both
participating. Just to avoid misunderstandings.”
    As nervous as Eve was, she couldn’t hide the
longing in her eyes. Kieran grasped her hand and smiled
reassuringly. “We do everything together, Bernie. We’ll need two
    The bartender turned away, and Eve’s fingers
tightened almost painfully around his. “You don’t have to do this,”
she whispered. “If this doesn’t go well… I don’t want to risk
losing you over something silly.”
    He drew her hand up to his mouth and kissed
her knuckles. “It’s not silly. It’s something you need. And you
can’t lose me, love. Not over this. So we’ll do it together.”
    “ Thank you.” Her gaze
caught his, and she stared at him as if no one else existed as the
bartender’s voice cut through the music, spilling out of the
speakers to announce to the patrons of the club that the couple at
the bar had ordered a pair of Tequila Sunrises.
    Eve was a strong werewolf -- it was the
reason they were at Last Call, after all -- and her sudden tense
nervousness evidenced itself in a prickling wave of power that
spilled out from her and raised the hair on the back of his
    The wolf inside him whined. He steeled
himself against the urge to submit to her, to roll over and show
his belly, even in a figurative sense. He was used to it, to
fighting the instinct to cringe when Eve was wound up or
    More than a few people had abandoned their
dancing in favor of watching the events unfold at the bar, and
Kieran felt the appraising weight of their stares as he handed Eve
her drink and lifted his own. He knew what they were thinking; it
was nothing less than what he heard from his own pack all the
    You don’t belong together.
    He raised his glass in a toast and arched an
eyebrow at Eve. “Tonight is for both of us,” he whispered. “No
    “ No regrets,” she agreed in
a quiet, tense whisper before tipping her drink back.

    They didn’t belong together.
    Zack Elliot absently swirled the remaining
beer in his bottle, every bit of his attention riveted to the
couple on the dais in the middle of the bar.
    The woman was gorgeous. Nothing
as refined as pretty could accurately describe her earthy, exotic beauty, from
the dark hair pulled up behind her head to the flare of her hips
under the flowing, brightly-patterned dress she wore.
    Power radiated from her, a fierce dominance

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