The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance)

Free The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) by Mae Martini

Book: The Mobster And The Cowboy (A Cowboy Romance) by Mae Martini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mae Martini
burgers and fries here, darlin’.”
    “I can probably get you a glass of water.”
    “That’s fine.”
    He waved Selma over and asked for a glass of water. She went behind the bar and as she was pouring water she said something to Jay. Jay sent the bartender to the back room.
    While they sipped their drinks, people kept coming up to them. Some he introduced Melanie to and some he didn’t.
    “You heading to Sturgis this August?” Neil, one of the guys he introduced Melanie to, asked.
    “I’m hoping to, depends on how things go on the ranch.”
    Jay came over with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. He smiled at Melanie as he turned the empty chair, closest to her on her other side, around and straddled it.
    Selma was right behind him with a pitcher o f beer. She placed it down and was off.
    He raised the wine bottle, before pouring, in question.
    Melanie nodded with a small smile.
    He poured the wine in the two glasses and raised one.
    She picked up the other glass and they clinked glasses and took a sip.
    Some of the other customers in the place took note. They knew it meant she was off limits to anyone there. Don’t fuck with her.
    “My private stash,” he said , after he sipped. “Don’t tell anyone.” He winked and smiled.
    “Not a word. Thank you.” She smiled back.
    “Did you see him yet?” h e asked her as Logan was still talking with Neil but caught their exchange and smiled warmly at Jay.
    “Him,” he said, pointing to a picture on the wall behind her. She turned around and studied it then turned back to Jay.
    “Yes,” s he whispered, “Outside by the bikes.”
    “That’s Chief Chato, a Chiricahua Apache. He’s been hanging around here a long time, way before I bought the bar. Legend has it that he is too distraught to leave this earth because his heart bleeds for turning in Geronimo. Some think he’s still searching for his family. But I think he seems to be searching for peace. He’d probably get it on the other side if he would just let himself go.” He paused then went on. “The thing is, no one seems to know why he’s here. He moved around primarily New Mexico and Arizona.” He shrugged.
    Melanie smiled at Jay. She thought him to be a wise man and if he wasn’t scared, and he owned the place, then she too wasn’t afraid or maybe it was the peaceful aura she sensed around him that calmed her. In fact, she started to feel privileged to be able to see history.
    She became less tense and Logan, who was sitting next to her, felt her relax for the first time since walking in.
    He turned to her, locked eyes with her, and smiled, then he went back to talking with Neil, and by now Jay who joined in on the Sturgis conversation.
    Melanie just sat back and looked around. She caught a glimpse of a confederate soldier looking at her and she could have sworn he smiled as he faded. She smiled and tipped her glass to him. Jay caught her tipping her glass and could only guess it was to one of the apparitions and a smile touched his eyes.
    While talking with the guys , Logan didn’t forget Melanie. He kept an eye on her the whole time and around the joint.
    “If you won’t, I will.” Jay said to Logan, after Neil said his goodbyes and left to join another table.
    Melanie didn’t understand what he meant and just looked at Logan.
    Logan nodded his head at Jay and turned to Melanie. He grabbed her hair and pulled her face to his and deep throated her mouth with his tongue. She was startled at first and her hair hurt, but his kiss was so potent all she could think of was, MORE!  
    When he broke the kiss, she said , “Easy there, caveman,” as she grinned.
    He smiled at her and she was rewarded with seeing his dimples.
    “Don’t look now, but Big Betty is eyeing you and if I didn’t do that, she would have been over here doing it.”
    “You mean the woman across from us who has bigger arms than you? ” She giggled.
    “Yeah,” s aid Logan, and he and Jay

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