His by Right
returning. During that time, every instance a client paid for her services, she hoped it would be the Alcatian. But when Gleeth didn't comment, she went into the pleasure room with a heavy heart. Maybe it was because of her disappointment that those clients weren't able to bring her to completion. She apologized to Gleeth for her inability to climax, but the alien didn't appear to be too upset with her. She figured that, all around, the ship was happy it didn't have to give out a bunch of bonus points on her account.
                On the bright side, during those intervening days, she found the window which allowed her to view outer space. It was not a very large window, about the size of small sub-compact car, with a thick transparent center. Very thick. Meredith tapped the clear material. Thick and tough.
                She had no idea where they were or where they were heading. Even if she did, she knew it wouldn't mean anything to her. Outer space was outer space, their location just another section of the universe. To her, stars and planets, galaxies and solar systems, and all those astronomical terms, meant nothing to her. To make matters worse, standing at the window and looking out only worsened her growing sense of homesickness. According to her tally marks on the bowl, she had served nearly two dozen clients, if she counted the Alcatian's return visit. She figured she had been on the whoreship the same number of days, perhaps a day or two longer.
                After watching the motionless stars for a few more minutes, she went to the lounge where several products greeted her.
                "Where have you been?" Avalanth asked. "We thought you were gone."
                "What do you mean, gone? I went to see what outer space looked like. By the way," she flashed a small smile at Pudrith, "thanks for the directions."
                The creature stopped long enough from scratching one of its lumpy protuberances to wave an arm. "Anytime. See anything interesting?"
                "No. You were right. It looks exactly like it does from my world. There's just more of it."
                "Were you expecting something different?"
                "Yeah. Kinda." Of course she'd been expecting something different. Like maybe a flaming comet, or a planet with rings rotating in the distance as the ship flew by. Damn Hollywood movies.
                "Well, we were talking about the latest gossip." Both of Xath-Erac's stalked eyes rotated to face her. "Guess who it is about."
                "All right. I give. What have I done now?" Once Diad moved over to give her room, she plopped down on a couple of pillows and stretched out.
                "We do not know what you did, but you must have done it well," Diad purred. "Rumor says an offer has been made for you."
                Meredith raised an eyebrow. "An offer for sex? So what?"
                "No, Merry," Xath-Erac explained. "An offer for you. For all of you."
                "To take you away from here," Pudrith added.
                Meredith felt a sudden, overwhelming fear. Sitting up, she gave everyone a worried look. "Take me away? To where? Who offered?" She stared at Diad. "Where are you getting all this nonsense?"
                "It is not nonsense," Diad retorted. "We are telling you the truth."
                "How do you know it's the truth? Where did you hear it?"
                Diad huffed. "Sometimes others forget who can catch mental transmissions."
                Several tittered at the remark.
                "Well, who made the offer? Do you know?" Meredith persisted.
                Pudrith gave a shrug. "We do not know who made the offer. We only know an offer was given to Gleeth."
                "When? Did she accept it?"

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