His by Right
past her navel, and ending at the top of her mound where the hair was gradually growing back.
                She felt the cool air as he left the other room, followed by the slight vibration of the panel rising. As the table withdrew into the room, the lights brightened as they normally did. The cuffs did not release her until the table stopped and the wall was closed. This time, she did not feel like sleeping in the pleasuring room. She wanted to retreat to her own room, curl up on her pallet, and have more sweet, nasty dreams about Turbo Dick.
                Gradually, she sat up on the edge of the table, and was about to get to her feet, when Gleeth burst into the room. Meredith stared woozily at the creature.
                "What did the client write on you?"
                "What? Write on me? Where?" She looked down at herself to see what the alien was talking about.
                She found it. It was a small mark, no bigger than a postage stamp, made directly below her belly button. At first she couldn't tell what had made the reddish lines, until she realized it was blood. Giving a little squeak of terror, she was about to wipe it away when Gleeth grabbed her wrist with a tentacle.
                "It's blood! The guy cut me!"
                "No, he did not cut you. The blood is his," Gleeth calmly informed her.
                Her panic subsided. Sniffing, Meredith looked back at the hieroglyph. "His blood? Why? What does it mean? Why did he put it there?"
                The alien seemed to debate with itself, finally coming to a conclusion. "The client you call Terr Boh Deek, is an Alcatian. They are a master race in this part of the galaxy."
                Meredith remained silent as Gleeth continued to explain.
                "We rarely get an Alcatian as a client, mainly because we rarely have a humanoid product for them to sample. Trust me when I tell you, as long as I have been on this ship, I have never known an Alcatian to come to us more than once, much less for the same product." A tentacle waved over the mark. "I do not know what the symbol means, but I will have our experts see if they can interpret it. In the meantime, do not worry about it. Go wash yourself and rest, and have something to eat."
                "Hold on." She got off the table. "Earlier you told me Turbo Dick would return. Now you're telling me you've never known an Alcatian to visit more than once?"
                "I told you the chances were good he would return," Gleeth corrected her.
                "But you weren't certain. You were just telling me that to get me off your back, didn't you? You lied to me!"
                The creature bowed its head. "I may have fibbed a little."
                She crossed her arms over her chest. "Bet you're glad he did return." She was delighted to see the black splotches appearing on the alien's skin. The alien knew it had been caught. Well, this time, I'll let her off the hook. "So, do you think he'll be back a third time?"
                "You know as much as I do, Merry. But, for your sake, I hope he does. I have never seen you truly happy until now."
                Gleeth exited the room without further word. By the time Meredith stepped into the corridor, there was no sign of the creature. She took a deep breath and felt her vagina clench. A shiver of delight went through her as residual feeling echoed through her flesh.
                When she got back to her room, she carved a replica of the symbol on her belly into the bowl she kept hidden away. Then she went into the cleansing chamber where the mark from the Alcatian was washed away.

Chapter Thirteen
                By Meredith's best estimation, three days passed without Turbo Dick

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