His by Right
with her ankles to make them shut. It hadn't taken her long to realize that until all the Is were dotted, and all the Ts crossed, the table didn't move. She had to be in the correct position before she was presented to the clientele.
                As the panel in the wall slid up, she wriggled in anticipation. She had dreamed of the man last night. If not for the slight soreness between her legs when she awoke, she would have believed she had imagined him.
                 The puff of air letting her know the client entered the other room came as the panel was still sealing itself under her arms. She had no idea she was trembling until a hand rested on her sternum, above her heart. It reminded her to try and keep track of how many hands she felt on her at one time, but deep down it no longer bothered her. As long as the guy and his Mr. Bumpy continued to satisfy her, what did it matter if he had three hands?
                She stilled. Or two heads? Or—
                The hand brushed away the filmy fabric and cupped her right breast. As he had before, his mouth closed over her left nipple, and he proceeded to simultaneously suckle and play with her nipples.
                Meredith squirmed, giggling softly. She was getting hornier by the second, but she knew that if the client continued to follow his script, it would be a while before she'd reach payday.
                Enjoy it, Merry. Lie there and let the hands of a master work on you. Oh, good Lord, that feels wonderful!
                She didn't expect the client to suddenly let go of her boobs and spread her legs. Apparently, he was as anxious to get to the meat of the meeting as she was. Before she could remember to count hands, the client bent over her lower lips and slid his wet tongue over her entrance and clit. She gasped, and at the same time, the smooth head of his hot erection was shoved into her.
                There was no more foreplay. This time, the client meant to make this a hard and fast fuck, purely for his own satisfaction.
                Regardless, it felt even better than the last time. She wished she could lift her knees to increase the sensitivity, but the cuffs around her ankles kept her legs pinned down.
                He rocked her, lunging full and deep within her with a force so strong, she could feel the seal across her chest struggling to remain firm. Hands grabbed her hips, and the client leaned over her, adjusting himself before resuming. She could feel his breath on her sweaty skin. A tongue slid across her breast, as if tasting her. That mysterious third hand found her clit, and Meredith no longer cared to keep track.
                She was rising, higher and higher, straining for that peak, a scream building up in her throat. The hands suddenly released her hips, and the fingers spread her lower lips as far apart as possible. His movements were no longer smooth, but shorter and more forceful.
                Her release swept her away, consuming her in a wildfire of heat and glory. She shrieked, but never heard it, so caught up in wave after wave of pleasure spreading through her. Wrapped up in her own orgasm, she never knew when he came. All sense of the present was gone as she was caught up in sheet after sheet of pleasure piling on top of her.
                Once all was over, and she lay panting in the aftermath, she would swear she felt the client press his forehead between her breasts. Hot puffs of air flowed across her nipples. He remained inside her as his dick slowly collapsed. Finally, he pulled out, taking away the thickness and the slab of heat that had covered her mons.
                Then, instead of one kiss on her stomach to signal his leaving, he lifted his head and placed his lips where it had pressed. Then another, and another, and another, making a trail of kisses all the way down her belly,

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